365 Random Days of Team Zybko Complete
April 26th, 2013
Apparently 805 is the new 365
I guess it was harder than I thought.
It took me double the days and then some to finish this project.
One blog a day didn't seem like a huge deal.
Even though I completely blew the expected time budget I am still overcome with a sense of accomplishment. Sticking to it. From Day #1 to Day #365. I could have sold out, ya know. Only posting a picture or two and a quick sentence as a caption. For the most part I didn't. Some late nights, thats what was gonna work, it was all the energy or desire left in me. The intention of the 365 days was to simply document, a happy place to throw the family pictures and a goofy thought or two.
Boy, I was wrong. Somewhere along the line it changed. What started off as a fun scrap booking hobby slowly turned into real life. Confessions of a Soccer Mom. What I have figured out works, what continually gives me struggles and what season of life my hormones and feelings were in at the time. Some posts bore more emotions of my heart that I would have imagined admitting to. Right here, typed out in black and white. In the end I'm glad. Glad to have recorded 2 years of Team Zybko's life. Perhaps even making some ones day with a good belly laugh or two. Maybe this 806 day span of time is something the kids show their kids one day down the rode. The fun adventures and kooky stories. At the very least my Grand kids can giggle at my non-grey hair and the fabulous fashion trends of this generation.
Below is the post from DAY #1
Where did the time go?
Some things remain the same.
I still wear those shark PJ's, love that blankie and don't mess with my coffee time in the morning.
January 26th, 2011
I applaud and thank my parents (and siblings too! Holla) for what I consider to have been an A+ childhood. I rack my brain trying to blame some of my messed adult issues on them. BUT I gotta be honest. I can't think of one thing I would change. NOTHING.....not one thing people.........thinking thinking thinking......yep, all good.......nope ....wait....I think I got something. I know, for some reason my Mother never sat down with us to play board games. With seven kids and working the night shift what else did she have to do? I remember asking ALL the time. Please Mom, just one SHORT game of Monopoly and I won't ever ask you again. Yea, right. No mystery why I was the last kid they had. I was high maintenance before high maintenance was even a term.
Parenting is not all Fun and Games.
BUT this weekend was.......ALL FUN and GAMES. When I sat down to play, I was whole hearted in the present, I put my brain in check. I really wanted the kids to get special time with me. The entire ME. Not the me that somehow hears the clothes dryer stop in the middle of a SORRY game. That ME may or may not then rig the cards as to shorten the quality time so I don't get backed up on laundry. Hey look over there Delaney is that Justin Beiber? Oh I guess not but look how close your pieces are to home now DREX.....oh my stars you are beating us all.
We went out and bought sugary cereal and ate it for dinner......in bed. Ok. I fibbed, we already had the sugary cereals, sorry ....they were non-existent in our house growing up. Oh, great, item #2 to tell my therapist about on Monday. We played an array of card games like war, speed and crazy eights. We made up wacky dances and manly muscle poses. I truly listened and learned as I helped Delaney with her Sunday school homework. We had wrestling matches and carelessly jumped on the bed.
Fashion shows galore. Photo shoots while lingering over more than a few cups of coffee. Completed puzzles we hadn't seen in years. Reading books, even those LONG Magic School Bus ones with out getting
Captain Stubing would have given me a raise for sure. In the beginning I avoided my laundry room and passing by the sink at all costs. A total mental game, like walking through the Bakery isle, if I don't see it it's not there.... right? A friend of mine says "Put major on the major and minor on the minor stuff"
I didn't just play the part on TV. I lived it.
Cruise Director is way more fulfilling than Mommy maid. As it turns out, bedtime wasn't even as issue. We cuddled up and told non-believable stories and fell fast asleep. Good thing I got some extra rest, I have a lot of catching up to do.
A CRUMBY KITCHEN FLOOR will always be there.