Tuesday, May 31, 2011


DAY #45


Felt as if I had won the picture lottery when I came across this one. I involuntarily shook my head while in a smiley, kinda, desperate voice muttered Drexel, Drexel, Drexel. No other way to put it, this look means trouble. His sneaky sideways grin reminds me of Harrison Ford. I'm pretty sure I had a crush on Indian Jones for close to a decade. Maybe it wasn't the smile at all, that cool hat was pretty much the bomb and don't even get me get started on his seriously BAD whip. Well, Drexel doesn't have access to a whip, mostly for the safety of others and he's not a movie star.

He did graduate Kindergarten today. Our seats were way in the back, couldn't really see a lot. After standing on the junior, cafeteria bench seats we spot his big ole Zybko head. A few tears begin to blur my vision.

Wasn't he just born? YES, I am certain of it. Seriously can't believe I'm one of those people who declares.

It really does go by fast.

I am pulled back to present day. La La is relentlessly yanking on my fancy new $14.99 sundress. Whoa kid, chill. This suckers gotta last until...well you graduate Kindergarten, at least. I busy her with my phone. She turns down the volume herself and settles in to a serious game of Fruit Ninja.

I enjoy the rest of the ceremony with completely dry eyes. Cheery, silly songs sung by toothless miniature graduates. Who can get enough of that? Even in the nose bleed seats I could feel the kids excitement and pride. Most of them won't even remember this particular 42 minutes of their life. With the help of the above snapshot which seems to capture my Drexel's personality, I certainly will remember. Yep, this Mom whose once prominent dimples now blend with her aging face, smiles sideways and knows as her heart swells a bit she could never forget.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


DAY #44



A brown eyed international man of mystery + a bluish green eyed soccer Mom
= brown eyed babies!







You just don't know what your gonna get when you breed.

This Momma doesn't mind a bit.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

365 Random Days of Team Zybko

Day # 42



Cross your T's and dot your I's. Yep, that's what they say you should do. Working on it my friend, working on it. Sponsor letters have been sent. I've blogged about Delaney's Mission trip spirit to raise funds to get to Belize. Posted on Face Book where and when the next snack sale will be. As a family we have casually spoken about the upcoming trip to whomever inquires.

Every afternoon the trip across the street is an adventure. The twelve or so steps to the mailbox is exciting. The kids race me there. What will be waiting when they tug on the generic white metal box. I encourage the kids to chill out but the truth is I'm just as pumped up as they are. The generosity and loving spirit surrounding this trip has completely knocked my socks off!

Several friends stopped by the park one Friday afternoon to support Delaney's first snack sale. Re-arranging daily activities to show support. One chica who doesn't even have kids of her own used her lunch break to drive across town. I don't think she was really craving a strawberry-kiwi Capri Sun, do you?

A crazy busy Momma of three brought her little ones in tow. She makes a donation and politely lingers to talk about the trip. Not skipping a beat, not worrying that this was happening I'm sure smack dab in the the middle of babies nap time. After reading the story and blog post earlier, she is moved to give more. Her second donation arrives a few days later via snail mail.

One of my favorite homeschooling Mommas drops by with a smile and a hug. She recently picked up a temporary job to fund to her next Mission trip. Not an easy schedule yet she lovingly donates big. What I thought was way to much, I force Delaney to give some back.

What do I say to her Mom?

Tell her it's a donation for her trip she is saving for.

She refuses to accept any money back. We exchange words, for a while. She gets kinda seriously as we lock eyes and leans toward me.

No, really Victoria It's part of my tithing.

WOW! I am blown away. It shuts me up.

Where are these people coming from? I'm truly amazed how GOD is working out all the financial wrinkles, smoothing them right out like an extra hot iron.Random amounts, random people. Out of the blue, from people I would never expect or thought could give. Even better in my heart are the wonderful handwritten notes of encouragement. This kinda extra special-ness takes time. Something we all never seem to have enough of.

Delaney, I read on your Mom's blog about the missions trip to Belize. I think that is an amazing thing for you to do! What a cool experience! Our entire Bunch will be praying for all of you while you are gone. I can't wait to hear how God is going to use you! Enclosed is a little something to help with your trip however you and your Mom see fit. let your light shine!

Love in Him

Dear Delaney,

I was so happy to receive your sweet letter. What a wonderful thing you want to do! To want to go and teach others about our Lord and Savior. What a beautiful message to share and what Christ and God want, for us to serve. It sounds awesome! I will be praying for you. Much love sweet girl.


Maybe you can raise money by singing and dancing......or maybe not :)

Good luck, and remember part of the fun is IN the journey of raising the money and touching peoples lives. Can I get an AMEN?!

Others sent beautiful hand picked Hallmark cards.

You are a great example for all of us. Have a safe trip to Belize.

Isaiah 58:11

The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy you with all good things.

The little things you do....

the sacrifices you make....

may not always be noticed by others-

but GOD sees every one

of them and smiles.


Your note was wonderful surprise for me to find in my mailbox. You are learning so many important lessons as you are growing up. God certainly must be smiling down at you as you work so hard to take a trip to serve others. Your cheerful ways will brighten the lives of so many children. May God continue to touch you in many wonderful ways so that you can go forth and serve others. Sending you my love and prayers.

Those that can't give monetarily have offered to be a part of the Pray Support Team. College students with baby sitting experience encourage me to call when I need some help with kiddies, free of charge. I'm not really concerned about the yard while we are away but some of our green thumb friends are.

Oh no problem Victoria, I can scoot on over with my truck and equipment. It can be my way of helping.

WOW, again!

It really does take a village. I know this, feel it and live this everyday while raising a troop of kids.


Growing up we heard this saying more than a couple times.


It's sure seems much easier to give ,than to graciously receive. Even after you have asked.

The owner of FUNDAYGO here in Florence has offered to help. We talked briefly on the phone. Her super smiley I love the Lord voice was cheerful and motivating. She was excited to hear about the trip and Delaney's plans to share the Good News of the Gospel. I have an idea, you could hold a fundraiser here, after we close one Saturday night!


There goes another pair of socks!
If you you aren't doing anything this Saturday May, 14Th come play around on some really cool huge jumpy things.

6:30-8:00 only $5 admission

If you have had your spiritual socks blown off recently, grab another pair. You need them to play. Just saying.

Monday, May 9, 2011

365 Random Days of Team Zybko

Day #43


Can we climb that big ole tree?

bryers mint chocolate chip ice cream

crispy bacon

peanut butter honey toast

fresh cold fruit

all foods I can't seem to get enough of

reading books to the kids

freshly bathed babies

lessons taught by accident

packing picnic coolers

all examples of Motherhood I can't get enough of

when the weather is right
#1 on the list is most definitely mini adventures


The youngest one really wasn't feeling it. This big ole beautiful tree didn't lure her out of the cozy Cadillac of a stroller. Delilah had found her adventurous happy place. Years ago I would have made her enjoy the moments, force her into pictures. Now, not so much.

I have always wanted to check out this amazing tree..... BUT.....It's on a golf course, a place you obviously can't be loud and disruptive. Why do my children not have indoor voices? It remains a mystery to me. Even their deep, raspy whispers can be heard in Yankee stadium at the bottom of the ninth.

I don't know what kinda tree this is. Not really my department. I could have looked it up to sound fancy and all. That would make me a nature poser, that's not my department either.

As a teenager I would have camped out in this tree

book, check.

large coke Slurpee from 7-11, check.

yellow sports Sony Walkman, check.

Swiss army knife to carve Baby Daddy's initials, check

A playground for all ages, until we are run off.

An old dude approaches in some tacky, tight golfing shorts, we scurry and gather our stuff. I smile politely, enjoying his southern accent and as he makes Happy Mother's Day small talk. We get the picture and leave hole #7 for the day. I turn back once again, the tree was just that cool. I catch the golfer smiling this time. A little embarrassed as his hand searches under layers of leaves for his shanked ball.

No biggie for us, we know the drill. We have been kicked out of places before. It only leads us to the next adventure within the adventure. Perfect! Let's roll out.

To the lake we go, where Delilah discovers her place in the story. Hand fulls of rocks, she feeds them to the water. Over and over and over and over.


Mommy this rock is kinda squishy
Yes it is, cause it's Goose poop honey

I wipe her unknowing innocent hands with a baby wipe. After tossing the dirty white container back into the stroller I turn around quickly, Drexel is already wet. I don't bother asking him

what happened?
This is just par for the course, the Drexel course that is.

My pocket buzzes with modern technology. I'm not irritated with the disruption. It's a voice mail. Grandpa is treating us to Percy and Willies for a Mother's Day Lunch. We have twenty minutes.

wash hands, check

change clothes, check

refill Huggies container, check

enjoy Motherhood, check

Monday, May 2, 2011


DAY #41


"We need to find GOD, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. GOD is the friend of silence. See how nature-trees, flowers, and grass-grow in silence; see how the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence. We need silence to be able to touch souls"

Mother Teresa

PSALM 46:10 Be still and know that I am GOD

Why is this so hard? Finding a quiet place? I could do it if I try harder, I'm sure. I really LOVE being around people but that's probably just an excuse too. I get distracted, to-do lists pop in my head, shiny things catch my eye, my phone dings with a new text message. When I was little, my Mom would close the curtains, give us 'quiet time instructions' and take the rotary phone off it's hook.....hhhhmmmm I suppose she was onto something. The older I get the more her sanity tricks she used 3 decades ago seem brillant, not weird at all. Seven kids in nine years, when did she find time to be still? I'm gonna text her later, cause her and her DROID are cool like that. Grandma's come a long way baby, light years from our Brady Bunch orange wall phone, mounted proudly on the lovely dark panelling.

I bring my Bible, prayer journal, coffee, phone, camera and sharpies, I gather them all when the kids wanna play outside. We don't have a fenced in yard, so off WE go for fresh air and fun. 99% of the day I am 'Julie the Cruise Director' so I don't feel guilty this particular afternoon. I would love a slice of 'quiet pie' served up hot and fresh, a la mode with Bryers vanilla. Well It didn't really work out as planned. I look at the picture below, my stomach gets a little twisted, look at all that stuff. An "A D D" recipe in the works.

That is.....

Not a picture of a quiet place.

Not a picture with no distractions.

Not a picture of 'being still'

A friend of mine tells me of her quiet place. Her place to pray and converse with GOD. In the back of a dark closet. It's worth a shot, I will sit right on top of the basket of clean clothes. No, better yet I will use it to barricade the door. I may only get a few precious minutes before the kids discover my quiet place. No worries here, little do they know I've got an endless supply of rolled up socks as ammo.

Welcome to the LOVE BOAT, my name is Julie. Laundry fighting on the Disco Deck at five o'clock sharp. Yes, Lord.....I love my gig.