Thursday, November 17, 2011

365 Random Days of Team Zybko

Day #65

Be Careful What you Pray For

November 18, 2011

Lord let me know clearly the work you are calling me to do in life, And grant me every grace I need to answer your call with courage, love and lasting dedication to your will.

This prayer was taped to the dashboard of my van for weeks. I am on the road a ton, like any soccer mom throughout the day. In and out. Here and there.






Next to the gear shift. Smack dab in front of my eyes.

On my way to the gym....I recited it.

On my way to Sam's.....I read it.

On my way to school.... I memorized it.

Waiting in car line.... I meditated on it.

In my journal of all journal's....I had it written it neatly.

While falling asleep.....I prayed.


Weeks passed, I heard nothing from GOD. Zippo. Zilch. Not a single mention of this special prayer that laid heavy on my heart.

Like an ignored friend request. No response. My words, thoughts and concerns were just out there.

I was a little frustrated and a tidy tad impatient at this point.

Had HE already told me and I wasn't listening? Did HE answer in Spanish? Was I absent that day? Behind the bleachers? Oh, geez. I did say CLEARLY didn't I?

The torn index card now lay on the cluttered passenger side seat. The scotch tape had done it's job as long at it could. The paper would blow to the ground get shoved in the visor, back on the floor then eventually put in the trash.

No worries, I know HE is busy. I'll wait.

Fast forward a few months. Prayer was finally answered. I heard GOD loud and clear! Only problem now, I didn't like HIS calling.


This time I ignored his "friend request"

Just so you know, not a good idea.

Like running into a brick wall, backing up and mashing the pedal to floor.

Only to crash head on, again.

Over and over and over.

GOD strategically placed certain people and home schooling conversations in my path.

No sir ree bob, not me, no way, I could ever do that.




Ever time I declared this to anyone who wanted to listen, BAM!

Into that stupid wall again.

After multiple spiritual concussions I decided to stop the insane cycle.

As of this afternoon my Home Schooling Hamsters of Team Zybko Academy will cross cross out day #64.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

365 Random Days of Team Zybko

Day #64

November 17, 2011


Everything about cooking 45 pounds of bacon should encourage one to stop ingesting this fatty goodness.

Starting with the defrosting process.

Nope, not me.

The four hours back and forth to the oven in between math problems and spelling tests.
We made it work.
Still tasted like a hot, sizzling slice of heaven.

The 48oz of hardening grease in my expensive Sam's coffee cups.

No way.

Every time I walked in the house the aroma was like an all you can eat breakfast bar.

The tower of dirty, needs to soak before even thinking about cleaning sculpture of pans.

Not a chance.

I enjoy my alone time, scrubbing in the kitchen relaxes me.

Pants that actually have buttons and a zipper.

This is the section of my wardrobe which hasn't seen much action lately.

Work-out stretchy teaching gear?


Jeans that create a constant uncomfortable muffin top?

No brainer.

Cake frosting.

That's another story.

I could eat my weight in a tub of gooey sweetness, any day of the week.

Stopped into the new cake store here in Florence the other day.


Their real-life, creative cakes are off the charts. Masterpieces really. Any design or theme you can think of. They will make it and bake it.

Soooooo......picture this.



Then, I promise to myself, off to the dark depths of my closet.

I can do it.

365 Random Days of Team Zybko

Day #63

November 15, 2011

Halloween Candy Stash

Delaney- An 80's Punk.

Drexel- An 80's Punk with NO planning.

Looked more like Franken-Punk.

Delilah- A Zombie Witch.

Perfectly normal 4 year old costume.

Delaney went ole school pillow case style.

Too old for a cheap plastic orange pumpkin.

She inventory-ed ever piece.
No checking candy from her stash.

A sparkly, red mohawk. Sure, I'm cool with that.

Took a few baths to remove the look.

Drexel was an easy target.
He was thrilled a neighbor gave out mini laser lights.
Didn't see mom swoop in for handful of.......
I gotta get these treats out of my reach.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

365 Random DAys of Team Zybko

Day #62

November 14, 2011





Thursday, November 10, 2011


DAY #60

November 2, 2011

2nd Day of Peru Adventure

Dinner in the big city of Lima was delicious and filling. Baby Daddy would have been proud of how adventurous my usually quite plain palette was. Trying two different funky colored sauces and a fried something or other. No gagging or quick trips to the bathroom. I could now cross eating some authentic Peruvian food of my bucket list and hit the sack. Unfortunately, the check arrives way past my old soccer Mom bedtime. Kept awake on the brisk 10 minute walk back to our hotel by the cool night air.

I muster up enough energy to brush my teeth. I fall into the neatly made single bed and dream of sleeping past 4am one day this week. Sharing the suite with 4 other girls I decide against setting my watch alarm, confident someone has this under control already. I really, really, really could get used to NOT being in charge. Closing my eyes I spin the events of the day through my exhausted head. Bullet points of new experiences neatly line the left side of my brain. At this point, I express pray, making sure to include my newly met friends. 2 minutes tops. God understands, HE knows day two starts in a mere 3 hours.

The small jungle town of Pucallpa greets us with the famous giant Banana Man statue. I take a million pictures through the slightly, smudgy window from across the middle seat. Deep in my heart I know most of these won't be good enough to use. That's OK. I convince myself it doesn't matter. I brought my battery charger and I have plenty of space on my recently cleared off chip. No harm, No foul.

Our speedy but crafty driver takes us straight to Angela Heads Church. We are greeted kindly by Spanish speaking smiley people and warm banana bread. Garrett is quickly pulled aside from the team for a practice run through his performance and mic check. He seems a bit nervous, I pass him a white styrofoam cup of black coffee as he walks past me. I can't wait to hear him sing.

Before the service we have time for a small group discussion. One by one we give a brief personal introduction and a few reasons why we are on this mission trip. I am seated to left of our leader, yikes I'm the first one out of the gate. I resist the urge to be my usual goof ball self.

I remain serious but can't help but smile from ear to ear while I talk, probably way too fast!

I really, truly am very excited to be here with this team.

Excited to hear the hearts of the others seated around the big sturdy table.

Excited about meeting dedicated, devoted, obedient Christians.

Excited about special time with the LORD.

Excited about getting to know Angela Head.

Excited to see what GOD will show me.

And honestly,

Excited for another piece of that banana bread.

It tasted just as good as the kind my Mom used to make.

The heavy tables are rolled away and magically replaced with lightweight, Walmart type patio chairs. Whoa, within what seemed like only minutes the huge cement floor area was re-arranged for worship. Everyone working together, many people, one team.


Awesome to see. Mil Palmeras Church is definitely a well oiled machine.

The service begins on time with Garrett on stage. I say a mini prayer inside my head to lift his confidence and to let his special gift shine through. Within seconds, I'm positive he didn't need my happy thoughts. His six foot tall, well dressed slender built self fills the open sided Church like an opera house. Singing in Spanish, he didn't miss a note and brought big crocodile tears to my eyes. The parish claps long after he jumps off stage and sits to my right. I still have chills when I lean over and whisper in my best indoor Zybko voice.....

"Hey on earth does that voice come out of your body?"

Garrett doesn't skip a beat and answers with only one five letter word.


I uncap a sharpie to scribble his answer down in my journal. Not sure why though, how can I ever forget his answer? Or the light from his smile as his lips form this precious name in a happy whisper.

Angela bends over and kneels while she translates for the main Preacher now talking. He explains to visitors what this Church is about. Bringing families together from the community to make one family.

One family to:

Worship God

Praise God


Give Glory to God

Angela understands and speaks the language really well but at some point it becomes too difficult and perhaps distracting for immediate translation. No worries, this gives me time do what I love.

People watch


Take pictures on the sly.

I don't own a super duper zoomy lens but the come with the camera one works fine. Fine enough to capture this picture above. Sweet, close moments between a father and son during Church. In-between wishing I had paid attention to my high school Spanish teacher, my eyes automatically fall back on this pair. The teenage boy didn't retract or appear uncomfortable. They showed love for one another a long time. Way longer than in American time, for sure.

We stand, we sing, we clap. We get pumped up, happy and excited about OUR FAMILY praising GOD together. Every so so often a cool jungle breeze whirls through, sweeping over our North American moist, sticky skin. The kind of relief from the heat that unconsciously makes you sigh out loud. The timing of these heavenly burst of AC are perfect and well.....heavenly.

Thank you Lord.

Cause this juicy gringa was beginning to get some seriously sweaty armpits. Wonder how to say that in Spanish, guess I will ask Angela after Mass.

The offering envelopes that were given out earlier are now collected. Printed on the upper right hand corner in blue is 2 Corinthians 9:7 I am tempted to look it up on my NIV phone app. I decide against it, I will do it later. My camera clicking seemed to have gotten louder during my undercover photo shoot. I don't need to add what others might see as "texting".

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

We hit the jack pot of all Sundays in Pucallpa. Baptism Day for 7 of its members.

Suzie Mallqui

Rosemary Noriega

Elva Luz Salazar

Ana Paula Pereyra

Cesar Odicio

Erick Seijas

Luis Huamani

It's obviously a big deal deal here at Mil Palmermas. A special day for sure. We all move out into the sunshine and the heat. The locals know where to go, to stay cool and have the best view. You know the saying.....When in Rome OR Peru do as they do. I follow eagerly up the steps to the grass roofed playground.

Every front row railing spot already taken, that's OK. I wait patiently for a my hole shot, take a picture and slide happily down the hot plastic slide. One group of cute little boys giggle at my trick while another girl doesn't like it at all.

She fusses at me with stern motherly eyes.
Oh great, I'm even being called Ma'am in another county. Completely in denial of my upcoming birthday, I smile sweetly and use my best I failed Spanish 1 twice but I worked in a kitchen for 2 years chopped up kinda Spanish.

Que? Mi no Senora, Mi Senorita....Si?

I flash her my best soccer mom crows feet smile and a thumbs up sign.

Not positive the nina bought it but it made me feel better anyway. I re-arrange my Sunday skirt and realize something isn't right. Oh, geez I believe I have burnt my fat hiney cheek on my way down the slide. Bummer.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

365 Random Days of Team Zybko

Day # 61

Pluggin' up!

November 9, 2011

Even when you LOVE your job.

Even when your days are filled with good stuff.

Even when you LOVE your kids.

Even when you are not complaining.

SOMETIMES you need a break.



Thank you to my BEGF for taking my little ones for a while.

I cancelled school until this afternoon.

The Principal more than likely won't see this post so no explaining there.

The work will get done....later.

Right now I need to breathe.

Bury my head in my favorite beautiful green book.


And keep breathing.

I need to re-boot.

Not fix a meal.

Not fold laundry.

Not wipe a hiney.

Not practice new moves to a song.

Not nag.

Not clean a dish.

Not check the checking account.

Not correct school work.

Not worry about emails.

Like plugin' my IPHONE up at night.

I am recharging.

Ready, set, go!

I better hurry, only 2 hours left to make my light bright.

LUKE 7:16

"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.