Just for Fun!
While the kids hair was still bright red it reminded me of my most favorite possession from childhood.
She was the coolest doll ever, especially for 1976. She was seriously high tech.
Her hair could change from long to short with a pull of a string located in the center of her back. I remember taking CHRISSY everywhere. Learning how to braid he long synthetic red hair. I truly only recall my parents going out a handful of times throughout my childhood. Crazy things usually occurred......
BB gun fights, wrestling matches and burying our dinner in the backyard.
One of these nights while my older siblings were in charge, my sister Kathryn had a brilliant idea. Details are fuzzy but I believe her latest craze was to become a beautician. She needed guinea pigs, alive or not.
One of these nights while my older siblings were in charge, my sister Kathryn had a brilliant idea. Details are fuzzy but I believe her latest craze was to become a beautician. She needed guinea pigs, alive or not.
Hey Vicky, why don't we cut Chrissy's hair tonight?
Um, NO she is my favorite doll of ALL time.
Oh don't worry, her hair will grow back.
Yeah, I promise
Pictures don't show the butchery, take my word on it she didn't become a hairstylist. She did become a MOM of six and an A+ Personal Trainer.
If she had her chubby little sister doing crunches we all would have been better off!
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