365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day #67
A $1 Crystal Ball
December 1st, 2011
Tuesday afternoon me and the younger half have 45 minutes to kill. Stuck in limbo between gigs and not enough time to go back home. With more minutes than money we decide to hit up the Goodwill Store, just to browse. Hey, don't judge or laugh my friend. Many 'new to us' bikes have been discovered here over the years. A little touch-up paint, new handle bar grip things and it's tis' the season in our house.
The kids go directly to the slightly broken, missing several parts, a little sketchy looking, some of them too noisy bin of overflowing toys.
Are you serious right now? I'm pretty sure some of my black trash bag donations over the years have added to this mountain of mayhem.
I think quickly on my feet, cause that's what I do.
Well no, not really but I do think.....this would put them right next to me in plain view as I checked out the book section.
A dream land in my eyes.
No Holiday music in the back round.
No smell of fresh brewed coffee or scones.
No smell of fresh brewed coffee or scones.
No scanning of a discount card.
No Barnes and Noble for sure.
5 books for $1
Oh, yeah baby.
I've already spotted a good one, there must be more treasures like it.
Hey fancy chain store, you can take your 10% membership card and.....ahem.
Yes, of course you can kiddies BUT only one toy and it has to be less than $2.
Oh thanks mommy, your are the best!
I find a 20 cent Bible with a copyright of 1971 stacked neatly under the NEW BOOK section sign. Not exactly sure why this made me giggle out loud. Perhaps the smell of smoke was getting to me. Whomever owned a bunch of these books was more than likely a serious chain smoker 39 years ago. I'm thinking Marlboro Reds....no filter.
Our 45 minutes fly by. If it weren't for Delaney pulling my arm to check my watch I probably would still be in the back of the dimly lit corner of the store.
Mom, Mom, Mom we need to go. I'm going to be late for voice.
I can't be late.
I can't be late.
I can't be late.
Geez, I knew I shouldn't have taught her to tell time....or talk.
2 bags stuffed filled with useful items, including a pair of pants, soccer cleats and a brand new in the package GI Joe dude. All for $21.50. I am more than pleased with my heavy bag of books, some I can even use for school next year. Delilah is tired from the days events but is over the top excited about her choice. A $1 princess crystal ball. We plug it in the minute we get home an hour and a half later. All three of them sit mesmerized. Without talking, arguing or asking for anything. Not sure how long, but long enough for me to get the dishes done.
Yep, a good day at Goodwill for sure.
thank you, this makes me love you so much more. i don't know how that's possible but i do!