Tuesday, June 26, 2012

365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day #165
June 26th,2012
Cheesy Sacos

Even though it's only 7:43am I open the fridge and pull out the glass container of dinner leftovers.
I happened to really like the thrown together, last minute very inexpensive meal.
The kids? Not so much.
Lets just say even Dylan thought it was a stretch and he eats anything. I would call the meal an


but I have kindly been informed by the cool police that this phrase went out not long after.....
Yo, you da bomb.

I do realize to feel younger I must keep up with the times so I say...

Ok, dude. I gottcha yo back.  I'm down wit dat bra.
This new gansta lingo is so flippin' coolio.

Mom, please stop, your making it worse.
Oh wait, I'm not done....

homemade sketti sauce
pizza cheese

I do have to admit my invention of the Cheesy Saco does resemble a very uneatable looking cow pie. As if some cow pies are in fact eatable. I have a serious issue with wasting food so I throw it on a plate and push the microwave buttons for 35 seconds. I need to get rid of it today before it dies a slow death on the middle shelf.

I pour a cup of coffee and wait for the magical beeping sound.
Just for the record the Cheesy Saco Cow Pie tastes wonderful with my morning cup of Joe.
If I was hip enough I would get a Pinterest account just to post this recipe. Is that what you do there? Post things? Follow people?
Aye aye aye....perhaps I will never be part of the cool club.


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