Day 171 ~ Year 3
Team Zybko
February 23, 2016
The amount God loves me endlessly overflows a gazillion gallon pool.
The depth of Gods love for me is deeper than the ocean floor.
The faithfulness of God's love is unfathomable.
I can't get enough. It hugs my soul like a warm soft blanket.
Thank you God for your love.
Your love allows me to clearly see the beauty around me with fresh eyes and a happy, open heart towards others.
I strive to emulate your light in this world.
To shine like a star in the universe.
To serve you.
To use my time, talent and treasure.
To practice grace.
To make a difference with every conversation.
To be kind to those who aren't kind to me.
Your love is perfection.
Your love is perfection.
John 15:12
12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.