Monday, March 18, 2013

Brothers, What Are They Good For Anyway?
Day #341
March 18th, 2013
365 Random Days of Team Zybko 

Tommy, Andy, Rich and The Favorite Little Sister
(James not available for picture, we will re-group for a Kodak moment later in heaven)
Before typing, before thinking, before even trying to capture the many words of love swirling around in my brain to describe how I feel about these dudes, I stop. I stop at stare at my dusty computer screen and grin. Not a big toothy grin, not a cheesy grin, not even a huge laugh a one of their corny jokes grin. Just a simple kinda grin. As I sit, the house is still, all quiet except for noisy jean buttons rattling about in the dryer and the constant dribble
of the fish tank filter.
I'm thankful for a small time out to enjoy the images captured in this photo taken a few days ago.
I grabbed my brothers quickly after our Niece's wedding ceremony at the church and shoved my Nikon abruptly into someones hand. I wanted to ensure I could get a picture of just us before the weekend activities pulled us in different directions.
I'm glad I did. With 14 kids between the four us these photo op chances are few and far between.
If you don't have a brother, I'm sorry.
If your brother is a meany pants, I'm sorry.
If your brother is no longer in this world, I'm sorry.
Older brothers are a wonderful thing. I can't speak about younger brothers, I don't have one. 
 There are seven of us...
Girl, girl, boy, boy, boy, boy and lastly a girl.
Therefore, by default this makes me the
favorite little sister of all of them.
 I almost feel guilty I was blessed with 4 of them.
Each and everyone of them solid guys.
 I'm spoiled really.
Growing up my brothers didn't make fun of me, abuse me,
shove my face in the dirt or even beat me up.
They protected me, cared for me and encouraged me.
Nothing has changed. They are still this way.
Many years have passed since our childhood games of backyard ball tag, BB gun fights and Lego making. Years are whizzing by us so fast, every one's kids are growing up. All of our faces are proving that time is marching on, seems like new wrinkle appears daily. No worries, cause the memories in my heart remain super fresh, caught in there forever. None of us can forget the long warm summer days spent at High Point Pool or the cold afternoons spent playing ColecoVision, I was the Qubert champion, just for the record. Before the modern days of electric Pong it was a string of boardgames that kept us entertained, as many games as we could squeeze in before bedtime. Continually double checking transactions of a certain banker in a Monopoly, who shall not be named at this time,
tended to slow us down just a bit.
My younger kids love to hear about their Uncles and the crazy stories of how we would get in trouble. Not big trouble or break the law trouble, more like Mayberry sorta trouble.
The few stories, occurring later on down the road in which the law may or may not have been involved is their private deal to share. Be prepared boys, I will tell your kids I was never there and plead the 5th ever time I am asked.
  Although legally my name has changed twice since we all lived under one roof, to my brothers my title has remained constant,
little sister Vicky.
Living in different states, I don't see them enough. I wish schedules would allow for us to spend more quality time as adults and parents. Even though life has picked them up and chewed them out a few times, they have remained as constant as my little sister title. All of them still great guys. Just older and wiser, some with less hair. All of them excellent providers for their families.
All of them above average dad's and husbands.
Whichard, Angie and Tommy Lommy I am bursting with pride in being your little sister, foreverI love you to the Con Van and back.

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