Tuesday, November 19, 2019


DAY 269 ~ YEAR 3
NOVEMBER 19, 2019

What a neat gig teaching aerobics can be! Just like anything in life it comes with an expected list of pros and cons. I'd have to admit that not every class I lead would be graded an A+ by the imaginary grapevining judges, I'm certainly not rolling in the Benjamins and some seasons can be more enthusiastic than others.

 Really though, those little speed bumps of making it work certainly take a back seat to the good stuff, the double stuff goodness and biggest motivator to continue at it week after week. 


The people definitely make it worth it, they are the real MVP's here. Yep, the people, sounds cheesy and cliche but I swear by a pair of clearance Lululemon leggings I totally mean it. 
 The real reward and paychecks are written by the dedicated participants and cashed in where it counts most, your heart.

 Those who somewhere along their fitness journey become more than just a member looking for a workout, they become woven into your weekly routine and become friends you look forward to greeting by name as they walk in the door. 

It gives me all the feels to witness these friends stick with a consistent gym routine month after month with such determination. Inching forward to becoming healthier with a smile on their face. Most don't know how much instructors need and feed off this positive energy brought into the room through genuine happy faces, fist bumps and side hugs! 

One friend in particular stands out to me this year as a bright light and superstar from our Fit for Life class. I'm pretty sure he won't be into the bragging about him on the Internet and social media but I ain't scurred. If he fusses I will accidentally increase all the exercises he hates to do. I know things. Mu ha ha. 

Anyway, over the past year a half I have watched his balance, speed, agility and overall EVERYTHING improve through his hard work and simply showing up everyday ready to do WHATEVER it takes. He may or may not have noticed but while proudly relaying his outstanding doctors reports my eyes were having trouble staying dry. He says nicely I was I big part of that. Humbly I nod while thinking to myself,  it doesn't get any better than this.

 During class a few months ago, after he beat me in a full out run race across the long aerobics room I casually mention we should sign up for a 5K! He agreed. 

 Linn excitedly jumped on board before we could reach the parking lot, thinking of places we could train before the big day. I have to add that Linn probably has at least 150 race t-shirts from years past. She is no rookie so we listened and showed up the days and times to get prepared.   

I didn't overdue pictures on race day. Really, no other reason than not wanting to take my gloves off, it was pretty chilly. Thank you Mary for being a wonderful cheerleader and capturing these moments. Another race is in the works. Thank you Lord for such an amazing opportunity to influence, motivate and become friends with some really awesome humans. 

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