Friday, September 7, 2012

365 Random Days of TEAM ZYBKO
Day # 205 
September 7th, 2012

With the stroller of all strollers successfully packed down with our plastic bin of school work, water bottles and snack food items we set out. In search of a tiny, temporary outdoor classroom for a little bit of learning. School day #7 will be done beneath the beauty and warmth of the bright sunshine and crystal clear blue skies.
Extra credit are the puffy, perfecting shaped white clouds dancing across the ceiling of our classroom.
This teacher would much rather check workbook pages submerged in the naturally beauty of Northern Minnesota over a stuffy condo any day. That's a no brainer. 
The air so fresh and clean here it continually leaves me speechless as my old soccer mom eyes scan my 360 degree postcard surroundings.
I soak it all in.
The heavenly breeze.
The contrast of colors.
The pure simplicity.
 I breathe deep.
Like a Fabreeze commercial without the coconut vanilla scent, I'm refreshed and in awe.
I am filled up and ready to go.
No words come from my lips.
Only thoughts in my heart.
Wow GOD. You have really outdone yourself here.
Thank you for this special sabbatical from real life.


Certain distractions are inevitable during any school day but seriously, I'm not sure what I was thinking.
My expectations are mountain high as we find a secluded picnic table behind an out of season, locked up restaurant.
We did manage to put our #2 pencils to good use for a while.
Unfortunately not long enough to cross any subject off completely. C'mon guys, we can do this.
Focus, focus, focus.
 A bit too much natural sugar free eye candy for this ADD crew. Not on medicine and never actually been diagnosed I know deep down it's no mystery, they get it honestly.

Wow kids...look at those pretty yellow flowers.
Wow kids.....look at that deer trail in the grass.
Wow kids.....look at that huge rock.
From all sides, directions and
every aged day dreaming student.  

I have to admit I wasn't truly into teaching about metaphors, correcting simple math problems or quizzing anyone on weekly vocabulary. So when Drexel asked if he could ride down the grassy ski slope on his bike I took it as clue. It was the right time to call for a recess. First stop the ski lift and all the cool machines needed to run this place when the snow hits. Oh great, we could actually learn something too. The science of the whole thing and how it works. I'm not a skier or an engineer. This may be a tough lesson but not impossible. Thank goodness I remembered to tuck my smarter than me phone in my sports bra before we left the house. 
Three cheers for modern UN SCHOOLING.
With God and technology everything is possible.
Not really sure about chapter/ verse on that one.
Just work with me. 

Pushing the stroller in a sprint like fashion a 100 yards up hill both ways quickly morphed recess into a full PE credit. Certain little hands who shall not be named let my prized multitasking carriage accidentally go by it self. Letting out a panicked gasp as I watched it haphazardly squiggle down the hill to it's death. Gaining more and more speed as each unaccompanied second flew by in slow motion. Heading straight for our abandoned school work and the huge two story glass front of the building..

Thankfully it slows to a complete stop only feet before crashing into the building. I look around to see if anyone saw the close call. I'm not sure why, I didn't do anything wrong and we are always the only people everywhere we go here. Four Zybko's simultaneously let out a huge held in breath and start laughing big time for at least a minute. The stroller is safe and so is the kid who thought is was a good idea. 
So let me ask you a question guys.
Do you think if the stroller had more weight in it,
 it would have gone farther?
Well let's find out.
Delaney, jump in.
Why me mom?
 Cause you are the oldest,
I've spent the most time with you already.
Ya know just in case you really have a bad crash.
Just kidding honey, I won't let you hit anything.
I wink at Drexel with out actually knowing that to be the truth. My ten year appears to trust me but still smiles a bit  nervously as the borrowed helmet is fitted properly, buckled and snapped securely for protection.      

Way to go Delaney! Don't panic! You get and A+!
Stop me mom! Stop me mom! Stop me mom!

I manage to catch this shot, finish my granola bar, scratch an old skeeter bite 
AND snag the handle of the stroller before she wets her pants. ALL while explaining the definition 
 of momentum over her feared cries.
Mass times Velocity. Mass times Velocity.
Remember will be on the quiz!

Delilah is pretty stoked about her 4K science lesson but first a mini photo shoot. 

I can't help but laugh out loud at my laptop while loading these pictures. I really did have it under control
so don't go calling DSS on me.
 Baby Daddy browsed through the days events caught on my memory stick with a contorted face.
So let me get this straight. 
You pushed my babies down the side of a
 mountain over and over again?
Even Delilah?
Uh, may sound crazy now...
but it seemed like the right idea at the time.
Famous last words of the guilty.
I slunk out of the room before I was grilled to the point of admitting it was a little like that ridiculous jacked up show
 JACK A**.....well a junior version anyway.

To prove it was legit I put my big soccer bum in the hot seat too.  You can see why I have no plans to ever get rid of this stroller. Look how it holds 130 pounds so gracefully.
Wink wink.
Well that's what it says on my drivers license anyway.
Yes, I started driving in the seventh grade.
Hey kids it's time for lunch.
Mommy's hungry after all this learning.

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