Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stuff is Just Stuff
Day 87
July 24th, 2013
Team Zybko

Matthew 6:1-2
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. 
For where your treasure is so is your heart.

I'm guilty of this. A long history of packratitis trails behind me like toilet paper accidentally stuck to my shoe. Working on it, little by little. I'm embarrassed to admit exactly how many hours I have spent going through a storage unit filled with stuff I thought I needed to keep. Boxes, bins and black trash bags packed with stuff. After 16 months, $1600 and plenty of energy wasted I feel a bit sick about it all. I don't want to be run by stuff. Especially when the stuff is now home to spiders, mice poop and cock roaches. Just doesn't make any sense. Stuff is just stuff. I know that thought isn't revolutionary or anything but its true. Stuff is just stuff. Say it with me. Stuff is just stuff. It can so easily be lost, damaged and stolen, it doesn't really make you better in any way to keep such a tight grip on it. If I have lived with out it for almost a year and half I suppose I didn't really need to keep it. Again, doesn't make sense. I'll tell you something else that doesn't make any sense. Those huge Palmetto bugs have wings. They can fly! Who knew? Ahhhhhh. 
Gonna give me nightmares. 

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