Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy 9th Birthday Drexel
Day 282 
February 15, 2014
Team Zybko

Born six years ago today, 3 weeks early at 8lbs 8oz, my little clearance Valentine sweetheart baby. One day he will figure out why huge cheesy red heart cellophane balloons are a norm at our family birthday dinners.


Drexel was
could have been
not approved for
the following names


Somehow Drexel turned out to be just the right name, there is only one
Drexel Thomas Zybko
No really. I googled it. Only one, I tell you, only one.

His delivery was a scheduled C-section, put off by my very experienced, competent Ob/Gyn as long as possible. Apparently my condition was one he hadn't even seen alot. Thought I would never forget the fancy medical term, but it just doesn't seem important anymore. Something like......upside down reverse breech head too big making my uterus stretch too thin painful contractions hooked up to monitor confirming they that WERE NOT Braxton-Hicks contractions off and on for about two weeks SYNDROME.

Not being able to hold your newborn baby seems to take the wind out of a Mothers hyped up, hormonal, emotional heart, just a wee bit. My thoughts were tunnel visioned, all I wanted to do was boobie night-night my sweet new bundle of baby love. I held it together as the Dr. sat on the edge of my bed patting my still numb knee. He explained a bunch of blah blah blah I couldn't really sift through at the time. Bottom line, lungs weren't developed yet, he was to stay in the NICU until further notice. And off he went, in his fancy Italian leather loafers. Maybe to another woman's room or to grab a venti at Starbucks. Who knows. Didn't really matter to him. After the door to room #108 closed behind him, so did Baby Z's chart.

My friend Gayle, also Drexels God Mother was in the room already. A NICU nurse in another Hospital in town. She came over to offer me support and I'm sure to tell me everything was gonna be fine. Her hug felt great, everything was going to fine. Until she looked me in the face with tears rolling down her cheeks. Oh, know, she knows the real deal. She understood what the blah blah blah from the Dr. meant.

He was the biggest baby in the NICU, like he didn't belong amongst the sweet little 4 pounders. I was finally wheeled down after two LONG lonely days in room 108. The nurse untangled endless amounts of cords attached to a seemingly healthy stout newborn body.

She gave me detailed instructions about a certain beeping noise that may or may not sound, laid him on my chest and walked away. I held him so tight I expected a beeping noise, but it never came. Only tears and lots of private prayer. During those ten minutes it was just me, Drex and God. Perfection. It was a quick ten minutes with lots accomplished. No one can tell the future, including me, during that first hormonal, never gonna forget the feeling sweet bonding time. Four days in the NICU, that's it. Not a big deal compared to many, many babies and Mommas.
 To me, a life time.

Team Zybko wouldn't be complete with out him. Drexel brings a lot to the table and me. He has a unique way of testing my parental patience beyond all recognition. On the flip side constantly teaching us all how to live life. Giving 100% all the time. Running, sleeping, fighting, eating learning and even picking his nose.....he gives 100%

Drexel is our kid would eat sand at beach when he was a baby, and liked it. During his teething season I would seriously change his wet soggy bib more than his diaper. He still slobbers quite a bit while playing video games, coloring and sleeping.
Jumping into shallow water at two and a half, he broke his leg. I was super pregnant with Delilah, too fat and duck footed to catch him running full speed ahead in sand toward the water. I suppose
me yelling DREXEL at the tops of my lungs didn't register with his selective hearing.

His zest for life can sometimes be confused with trouble. He simple wants to have fun. And he is simple, playing with sticks and rock for hours at many a soccer game. We are working on his tolerance and frustration for others he simple doesn't get. Drexel is the roughest and dirtiest of all of the kids. If there is a dirt mound, he climbs it. A puddle, he jumps in it. A garbage pile, he walks through it. A huge rock, he'll turn it over find the bugs, then throw it. Possibly at someone.....just being honest here.

Don't mis-understand this realistic Momma.
He has a sweet side too. Really.
Barely awake he runs, yes runs, to find me. I am the lucky winner of a wet morning breath kiss and a football hug that nearly knocks me over. He is also an A+ snuggly bunny. Yikes, I better delete that one before he can read this blog.

He has only one BIG dimple on his right cheek.
Bummer you can't see it in this picture,
covered with tattoos and all.

He gets lost in books, especially shark or other nature type topics. Still learning the reading ropes, make it a picture book, not for long though, he is an eager student.

Those precious ten minutes in the NICU seem like a million years ago. Flipped over on the calendar six times now. I am truly blessed God heard my prayers in that busy NICU unit in South Cackalacky, way back in 2005.


1 comment:

  1. You made me cry, happy tears! Great pictures, too! You need to write a book, girl.
