DAY # 10
Keeping it short and simple today. Actually it isn't even really today....... yet. At 2:20 am, technically it's today, but not in my book. That's really just a terrible hour to be awake when I would rather be asleep.....duh. After about 25 minutes of starring at the dark ceiling, I give up. Gently prying the 3 year olds foot out of my back, I hold my breath and Ninja Mom roll out onto the floor. I think to myself.
Please don't wake the beast, please don't wake the beast.
We are fixing up the kids bedroom, one at a time. So for the time being, Delilah the beast has been camping in our room. Well, really in our bed. She isn't totally sold on the cute little "doggie pad bed" idea set up on the floor, made just for her.
"But sweetheart , that's how ALL Princess' sleep when they go camping"
Don't be fooled by her blonde-ish hair. She is smarter than she looks. My tired soccer Mom tricks rarely work with this kid. I think she is on to me, I need new tricks
David jokes that kids have some sort of Mom heat sensor chip, somehow built into their tiny brains at birth. As crazy as it sounds, I believe he is right. LaLa's internally beeping woke her up in three minutes flat......get up, get up.... something is
AMISS AT THE CIRCLE K, Mommy has left the building.
SO, here I am, past 3 am now. Tired and trying to type. Pecking out letters very S L O W L Y with only my right index finger. All other parts of my body desperately working together as a team. Legs balancing most of her wiggly body, chest supporting her back and Mr. Left hand, with clearly the toughest job, holds up her her big slobbery Zybko head. I'm praying my hand isn't too numb at the end of the post to hit SPELL CHECK, that could be bad.
My living room is painted a sunshiny yellow, we call it the 'yellow room' or 'sun room'. Wow, that's pretty lame. After re-reading that sentence those names seem just a little elementary. We must have 'dumbed' it down for the kids, somewhere along the way. Anyway, it's my favorite room in house, at least in the morning when the sun bursts through our Brady Bunch style windows. The shadows on the wall are fantastic. We actually should call it the SUNDAY room. Sunday is the only day of he week we aren't rushing out. We get to relax, lounge and chill. At least long enough to enjoy the 30 minutes of pure light delight. It's over way too fast for sure. With a schedule to keep, like everyone else, Mr. Sun sadly moves on.......not too far though......just to the next room.......the room we call the 'red' room.
The bad news is, my feet are now a tidy tad numb. Goodness gracious what are we feeding this child? The good news is, tomorrow, well today is Sunday. My special sunny day. In a few short hours the yellow room comes alive with the sun. I can hardly wait. Geez, I hope I don't over sleep. Yea right, the Sleeping Beauty in my lap will never let that happen.
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