DAY #9
My washer and dryer probably feel like I do some days. Going, going, going......and more going. Turning, spinning, washing and drying non-stop. If I'm home they are working at my pace, right along with me. I'm not complaining. I actually don't mind the challenge of keeping up with laundry. A serious control issue hovers and lingers over MY laundry room. I should probably make the teenagers do there own. I have heard that works well in other houses. Sounds like good advice BUT I consider that room my 'office' so please so stay out. Thanks
Funny thing is I'm not even really great at doing this chore. Stains remain in shirts forever, unlike the sweet commercials on T.V. Loads sit in the dryer so long they have no hope of loosing their wrinkles. Even after clocking in hours and hours of whites, darks, towels and stinky soccer uniform loads, I still occasionally forget to check pockets.
chap stick
Polly Pockets
sticky notes
homework assignments
Sam's lists
you name it
It's all been found laying at the bottom of the dryer, under that forgotten, already wrinkled pile of clothes.
This morning I did remember the check pocket step. I managed to save a sharpie, a mechanical pencil and a $5 tube of lip balm. I know, It's not as big as saving the Whales or the Rain Forests. Better than any of those animals or trees, I also saved a bent up index card. Written as a reminder, to keep on persons, all through the school day. Only a hands distance away. Like God's cliff notes of life.
So glad this little bit of scribbled love didn't end up as lint.
These moments make my longs hours at office well worth the pay.
These moments make my longs hours at office well worth the pay.
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