Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Kings Mountain Park State Park
Day 137
September 17, 2013
Team Zybko

Some of the greatest memories of my of childhood were made during weekend getaways to state parks. My dad would whip open an old school paper map the size of a love seat, swirl his manly finger around in the air until it stopped, and this where we would go. No smart phone in his hand to check out reviews, directions or even what was available at the park. Picnic benches? Grills? Clean bathrooms? Who knows, we will find out when we get there.

 While the 7 of us were busying ourselves to stay out of the way, my mom would scurry around like a super hero, packing provisions for day. She was a pro at packing everything we needed for all 9 of us. Dads job other than getting us there safely would be to grab the sling shots, a few stray balls and the Coleman grill and thermos. To this day my heart skips a happy beat while roaming around a camping store and my eyes fall upon that famous 70's Coleman green of my youth.

30 minutes later our kid legs were manufacturing enough sweat from the vinyl tan seats to irritate the sibling next to us. No worries though, soon enough the windows were rolled down in our 1968 Ford red and white prison van cruising around the beltway. The wind blowing on our faces created just the right amount of distraction from the kids on either side of us. 
Life was solid. Life was good. Life had no worries for an 8 year tomboy with bad hair cut and home made clothes. My parents did such a great job building family time out of the nothing special moments. Togetherness, spontaneity and love are key ingredients.

Fast forward 30 years, Baby Daddy checks his phone for directions and hours of operation. Kings State Park here we come. The kids happily jump in our plain white Ford prison van and complain about the seating arrangements. I pretend not to hear, the pre-autumn wind hits my face just right as I think about years earlier. Similar memories being made, different just enough to be ours and not reliving the times of the past. With a slightly better haircut, lunch at a local pizza joint instead of packed and air conditioning. I am happy to know these days are being straight up deposited into my children's life.
May the cycle continue. I big puffy heart state parks.  

Highlights of the day....
*survived a daddy long leg attack
*a lost canoe paddle 1 minute after launching
*dancing on the dock
*a near slip off the dock
*an uneven paddle boat by 150 pounds
*a quick fire by my favorite un-boyscout
*fake porta potty pooping
*illegal corn picking
*followed by illegal chicken feeding
*legal corn fighting
*giggling at the slowest talking park ranger ever
*free cliff bars
*interesting donkey noises
*smelly life jackets

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