Saturday, December 6, 2014

Who Will You BE Today?
Team Zybko
December 6, 2014
Day 84-Year 3

My meeting with God every morning is essential to my soccer mom daily routine. I love it. I crave it. I need it. I look forward to it. Like a coffee date that pulls you through and away from the drudge of  the everyday hard spots of regular life. To spend time with a friend who loves you the way you are, who knows your feelings with out uttering a single audible word is perfection. No one else knows my heart like the creator of the universe. 

He prepares my way, sets the pace and standard for the long daylight hours to come. As a to lamp to my feet, He secures my steps well into the night darkness, past the setting of the cold winter sun. During our precious time together and beyond, His promises wrap around me like a warm blanket. His Word holds firm truth like a hand in hand walk down a crowded street, safe in a loving fatherly grip. He righteous eyes never loose sight of me, even when I turn away, intrigued with the allure and bright shinny lights of the world. Leaving no doubt in my mind of His abounding love for me as he whispers, don’t worry, I will never leave your side, beloved daughter, you will not fall.

Our personal conversations leave me soft and tender; ready to face adversity and the many challenges this world has to offer.  My lifted prayers are heard. He talks back with a gentle reminder to live this life for Him, yes, less of me and more of Him. I got this thing, He tells me, simply follow me little one, you can do it. I hear His voice and feel his gentle push to do all deeds and actions in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Our chats never fail to jazz me up, filled with the Holy Spirit I am now ready to go forth, issued the keys and secrets to be a better wife, mom and friend. To love, forgive and encourage one another per His steadfast example. Now, and only now am I ready for what the next 24 hours throws at me. Bring. It. On. 

BE grateful today
BE still today
BE encouraging today
BE patient today
BE forgiving today
BE honest today to yourself and others today
BE loving today
BE not of this world today
BE helpful today
BE prayerful today
BE steadfast today
BE focused today
Be ready to learn today
BE diligent in all relationships today
BE ready to learn today
BE friendly today
BE a role model today
BE accommodating today
BE passionate today
BE contrite today
BE hopeful today
BE hardworking today

BE youthful today
BE who God made you to be today

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