Friday, September 1, 2017


Fitness Goals
Mid-Life Edition
Day 223 ~Year 3
Team Zybko

A few weeks ago while doing some back to school shopping in my own closet and old home school stash, I stumbled upon a two inch, dark blue notebook from another season. And by season I mean 12 or so years ago another season. At first I didn't recognize it for what it was but instead I was totally stoked, feeling successful and resourceful to cross something off my soon to be 7th graders supply list. Sorry Walmart, you won't be getting that particular $5.57 this year! Bam.

I couldn't help but smile at the me from over a decade ago as I read through the high lights of my FITNESS GOAL notebook. Leaning up against the kitchen counter I dove inside this gem of a relic from what seemed like a lifetime ago. Between the neatly placed naturally aged yellow-ish dividers was a history of lots of sweat, burned calories, motivational quotes and the outline of a focused athlete in her 30's. Laminated workout sheets, lists of food diaries, documented feedback of energy levels during classes taken at Mcleod Health and Fitness and numbered race bibs tucked next to printed out Triathlon result sheets.

Oh my, did I have more time back then?  NO, I don't think so.
My fitness focus was just different. And while I do love training for a race, creating a workout chart in fine tip, hot pink sharpie and shooting for a particular pair of pants to get into, that is just not where I am at the moment. 

My fitness goals have been, let's say re-arranged a bit, maybe partly due to age, scheduling and practical purposes. Not exactly sure why  but perhaps I will happenstance upon this blog post in my mid-fifties and giggle a bit. The present me is cool with that. 

Mid Life Fitness Goals 
Stay Strong, Useful and Healthy

*Continue teaching aerobics because it makes my heart smile to see others reach their fitness goals with the help of group exercise.

*Never having to turn down the challenge of a pool chicken fight because my body can't handle it.

*Staying fit means periodically needing colorful new Nikes. YES!

*Whatever physical activity I choose to do, may I do it will all my heart, soul and energy.

*Meeting new people who also enjoy adult recess.

*Always being able to participate in a small town potato sake race without the fear my legs and coordination will give out.

*Not getting winded during a family living room dance off party. 

*To be useful when Delilah's college moving day comes around, no matter what floor she is assigned to.

*Be good to my knees with the amount of weight they need to carry around daily.

*To experience really awesome adventures with my grand kids like I did with my own. Hiking, biking, 5K's etc.

*Goofing off with my besties, not from a rocking chair but rockin it wherever.

*Beat my 7th grader arm wrestling as long a possible.

*Staying in shape for Mardi Gras. You need serious stamina and endurance to earn the really BIG beads. 

*Set a good example for my kids.

*To rake a huge backyard in record time and still feel spry the next day. 

*Wear leather pants and feel like a bad mama-jama!

*Keep my muscles strong and useful to withstand life and the laundry that comes with it.


  1. You are amazing! I miss you and the family. I pray our paths will cross again.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Sunshine...and right back at you :)
      Must be strong like BULL!
