Thursday, March 7, 2013

365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day # 335
Happy Birthday Delaney Grace
March 8th, 2013
This was the congratulation's present  brought to Carolina's Hospital Room #105 in the Women's Pavilion 11 years and 3 days ago. Who needs balloons or tri-folded over priced Hallmark sentiments when you can receive a living card like this one?  Baby Daddy is not one to freak out about the little stuff or conform to the norm when it simple won't matter down the road. He knows me well, I loved it better than any other gift he could have bought. Five of my favorite people in the world coming to meet my newest favorite person and bundle of joy. I remember holding you those first couple of hours, time stopped. I was in awe of how tiny newborns were. How good they smelled. How I had forgotten the sweet noises they could barely make. How big God is. AND How on earth you were ever tucked inside of me just a mere couple of hours ago?

 It had been 8 years since the last newborn baby was placed in these eager mommas arms. Everything I thought I had forgotten came flooding back to me in a crash course, no studying needed. Breastfeeding, swaddling, diapers and of course the emotional after labor high was extra credit. This kinda euphoria should be bottled up, nothing else like it. You and I were the only ones it seemed like in the whole entire world. I drank every inch of you up like a freshly brewed, just right Starbucks coffee. I couldn't cuddle or stare at you enough. In total awe. You were the tiniest of all the babies at 7.3oz. Grandma Myrna's nose, the funniest baby chicken legs and a dark layer of hair from the top of your head all the way down your back.

Flash forward a bit over a decade:
 Thankfully the hair on your backside eventually fell out, the hair on top of your head turned a beautiful dirty blond and you now, most of the time can drink from a cup with out a lid. Of course the years fly by when you are having fun. A ton of interesting, crazy days have been spent with you as a part of the family. To pick my favorite moment in time would be insanely impossible. Even top 100 would be difficult. You Delaney Grace, Nae Nae, Lanes and mini me have enriched my life beyond simple words typed out here at the computer late at night.

While you sat on my lap last week during your first driving lesson I knew babyville was surely a distant memory. No longer under ten pounds my right leg quickly fell asleep, rendering my emergency breaking foot quite useless. Thank goodness you don't drive like your mother. Your stopping skills need no improvement. The only similarity between those two days separated by your short life span is....I am still in awe of you. I am blessed to have you as daughter. The unfolding of the young lady you are becoming right before my eyes makes them tear up, big ole crocodile tears. I am in awe really. Now, if I could only put a sudden break on time with the foot I still have feeling in I would. 11 more years will be gone before I know. Hopefully going slower than the last.



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