Monday, March 7, 2016

Drexel's Dream Day
Fire, Four~ Wheelers and Guns
Day 172 ~ Year 3
Team Zybko
March 7, 2016

We made it there as soon as we could, rushing from a birthday party in another town, we ended up arriving a tidy tad late on the scene. That's OK,  in no way would this snuff out Drexel's excitement for what was in store, the fun activities that would engulf this 11 year old dream day.

He was nonchalantly greeted by Steven. No useless small talk, just straight to the point, like boys do when there is work to be done.

So, Drex, you wanna go set some stuff on fire?

Not really sure if actual words came out of his mouth to answer or not, but again, this was no mommy son moment. I knew my place. I gave him no direction other than a big, over sized smile that silently spoke for me...... have fun and be careful. 

This is where I usually make the mistake of overwriting or over talking a blog post to death with all the details to be recalled later, just in case the old memory shuts down.

Well, there is no need for me to waste precious time for posterity sake. I am certain Drexel will not forget the events of the day and how it all went down. A dream day he will remember forever. And that my friend, IS my place as his mom, to remember his joy forever. With or without words.

Thank you Michael, Steven and Willie for including this Junior Forester in Training to come on out and learn. It meant a lot to me for you guys to take the time to teach Drexel during your busy day. 

 To both sets of grandparents, before scrolling through the pictures below, please know I would never, ever, ever put your grandbabies in harms way. Despite the fact that some of these images may say otherwise. That is all.

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