Sunday, February 15, 2015


A Decade of Drexel
Happy Birthday Big Man
Day 110-Year 3
Team Zybko
February 15, 2015

The fresh new ten year old was the first one awake this morning. I was enjoying the very dark and quiet house when the birthday boy slowly turned the handle on the bedroom door. I would be lying if I denied the heavy sigh I stifled as I did my best, good morning, mommy loves you smile. The thing is, when Drexel is not sleeping it is game on, full throttle. If he were a dog he would definitely be a golden retriever looking for the next person to throw a ball. 

110 percent energy, conversation, adventure seeking and sometimes irritation (just being real here)110 percent of the non-sleeping hours of the day. The only one of the kids I ever considered hooking up one of those baby-backpack leashes to and strapping him to a fence. I never did, I just gave up voluntarily being around clean people and going to library story time for about two years.

When you have a baby it changes your life.
We have all heard this a million times, yet certain babies change your life in a different way. A more spectacular way. A better way. A way in which you could never imagine living a day with out them. In so many ways these type of kids make your life fuller.
The way my heart bursts to be his mom I can't explain.

A decade with Drexel. How can it be ten years ago already since he made his entrance from womb in such a grand way? I won’t bore you with birth story details but if you need a few more minutes of escape from the real world you can read about it here….

 I love the fun thing you do with a person’s name, y’know when you take the letter and use a word to describe that person. I am forgetting what its called and totally too lazy to Google it while only still on my first cup of coffee.


We drive each other crazy but I am crazy for this buck toothed, growing up too fast, fire making, lego building, animal loving, sweet and sour, round headed baby that God left in my care a whole wonderful decade ago. Thank you Lord for picking me, you know me so well.
Happy Birthday D-Rex

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