Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Day103-Year 3
Team Zybko
February 2, 2015

Delilah loves to create. That is kinda her thing right now. Any time of the day. Despite Drexel's plea for a playmate during school breaks, she even uses this time for arts and crafts of every kind. 

I distinctly and fondly remember Delaney enjoying this stage of pipe cleaners, glue sticks and multicolored beads. Her imagination wheels were in constant motion. The next new project was always in the works. Bigger and better than the last.

 Delilah has the same gusto with the same girthy sausage fingers. Delicate and gentle are not frequently used words around these parts. Popsicle sticks, glitter, foamy stickers, puffy paint all cringe when they see this kid coming. The off brand Hobby Lobby drawer, to her delight is at a reachable height and open 24/7. 
No charge.

Mommy, when will I get my own hit glue gun?
{{{ When you can go a week with out running into a wall }}}
Uh, not sure honey.

Here is her latest fun. Bottle top art. Only 5 simple steps.

1) Walk around any athletic field in search of trash and treasure. Bring a bag (thanks Jill) and a friend (thanks again Jill) and a dog (ask Jill, she has that too!)

2) Wash out as much of the gunk and grime as possible. Some were dug up from the dirt, that gives you extra 'Pintrest' points.
Digging in the trash get you even more.

3) Position the bottle tops how you would like. Heat up your favorite glue gun from the early 90's and go to town.

4) Take a cheesy picture for friend mentioned in #1 so she knows her helping efforts weren't in vain.

5) Proudly display artwork in a high traffic area of the house until the next big masterpiece comes along!  

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