Sunday, February 1, 2015


Positive Attitudes
Day 104-Year-3
Team Zybko
February 1, 2015

I liked her way before we even met, I couldn’t help it. During many a long soccer practices per week my bored eyes were drawn in by certain similarities to people I already loved. She walked like my sister Virginia, with confidence and purpose. She’s fit like my sister Kathryn, never sitting still while waiting on her own kids to finish up with her their teams. 

As I walked past this soccer mom on the track she always wore a friendly, barely made-up face underneath a SHMILY baseball cap. Little did she know I would turn the corner of the ¼ track with a good feeling in my gut. She was definitely one my people. No doubt about it, but I left it that.

Although the above paragraph may sound a bit stalker-ish with a deep undertone of creepy, that really isn’t my point or focus. The point is and always will be, God is good; He plans our friendships and encounters like these way in advanced. 

Way beyond the boundaries of our human imagination or understanding. Our girls being switched to the same CUFC soccer team, allowing us to official meet was no athletic coincidence or haphazard aligning of random stars. It was a God thing. Period.

Getting to know Allison this past year has been a blessing to me and my family beyond what words can express. This ladies love for our creator God fills her with much joy and hope and it shows in her non-stop positive attitude as she navigates through this world. 

A positive type of demeanor that fills the room, floats across a soccer field and flows freely with every conversation she has. The hope and love that fills her heart is from the Lord. I am very sure she would stop and give Him glory in response to that statement. He has made Allison just the way He intended, gifting her with all the right pieces of talent and love. How we use our gifts from God is up to us. 

Somewhere along the way, (I have yet to hear her entire testimony) she made the decision to fully walk with the Lord. The unmistakable way she lives to inspires others to be better, kinder and love deeper all have the mark of God’s LOVE written all over it. 

This friend has been going through a bunch of tough medical trials for some time now and has been hit straight on again. Breast cancer. Although, I checked with her and she said I could share more than that, I will simple keep it at that. She tells us she isn't worried so we shouldn't be.

 Allison trusts the Lord will beautify this season, she is patient knowing at some point she will come out on the other side a survivor and stronger person of faith. Until then, she continues to greet everyone with a happy face, squeezy bear hugs and a little bit of positive talk to tuck away in your pocket to use on a rainy day.  

All prayers and uplifting thoughts are appreciated for this special friend. See you soon Allison!

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