Friday, January 20, 2012


DAY #86

January 28th 2012


The tooth fairy was set up! Delaney lost a tooth and purposely failed to remind her aging mother the baby tooth was under her pillow. The almost nine year old has questioned this characters validity for a while. Years ago the 'Tooth Fairy" didn't go to bed as early as she does now. She had more energy and a better memory for these kinda middle of the night missions. The new and hopefully improved tooth fairy is also questioning why we lie to our children about such things. Hmmmmm. I know it can be fun and all BUT...... well I won't go into to all that right now. I suppose those thoughts are for a different post. Not trying to be a buzz kill, just want to document a place in time of Delaney's childhood.

Delaney smiled so big it took over her youthful face. Her two front, over sized teeth seemed to mock me. My baby is growing up. This may be harder than I thought, breaking the news about the Tooth Fairy. Two big brown eyes await my speech. I may cry but that's no new flash. I cry about everything these days. I will blame it on the move, which is way more than just a move. This move represents closing a huge chapter and season of my life. I suppose for Delaney it will be a closing of sorts too. Yikes, my eyes are already moist.


I'm pulled back to current time. I focus back to the 'Brady Bunch' talk at hand.

Taking her out of earshot from her two younger siblings she realized what I was about to share was surely gonna be a big deal. Smart enough to know she wasn't in trouble she still looked a little nervous. I can't remember the last time I pulled her away from the group with big time serious mom eyes. A minute and a half later it was done.


She isn't bummed out at all. My girl who will never work for the CIA due to her constant outdoor voice and lack of ability to keep knowledge to herself is thrilled.

I ask her kindly to keep it on the down low from Drex and La La.


Of course honey, that would be really special.

Di-Di home from college is always a family treat. This particular weekend Delaney is bursting at the seams to share the new Top Secret info she has learned. Like being accepted into posh club or something. Smirking sideways and repeatedly nodding her head like a big shot, Delaney has a "quiet" conversation with the all knowing big sis.

Now, if you don't know Diane ya gotta understand her sense of humor. Not a lot of fluff, straight to the point, sometimes dry but always, always funny. Her comedic timing is dead on. More than a few times over the years her funny way has brought me to tears...and to the bathroom.

So, Delaney....are you devastated?

The shorter of the two sisters cocks her head a tad sideways, a little confused.

Before I can shoot Diane and squinty eyed, where are you going with this look? She continues to interrogate.

Did you cry when Mom told you?

No, why would I? Mom even promoted me to be Tooth Fairy.

(Which by the way a was genius move, thank you. I'm getting better with delegating)

Ya, know....being lied to by Mom and Dad all those your ENTIRE CHILD was fake and made up.

My mouth drops fast to the dirty kitchen floor.

As I type this it actually doesn't read funny at all but it was. Diane was making mac n' cheese at the time. Nonchalantly stirring the pot filled with boiling water and noodles. Throwing baby Daddy and I under the bus and Delaney into therapy all in the same sentence.


She catches my stern face as I use her full name.

It's ok mom. It's no big deal the Tooth Fairy isn't real. I'm not upset at all.

Now if you tell me next that the Easter Bunny is fake.... then I will really be devastated.

I burst out laughing and smile inside. Selfishly and hypocritically I am glad for Delaney. Glad the door to this chapter of her childhood isn't completely shut...just yet.

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