Thursday, July 17, 2014

Attracted to the Thrill
Day 39-Year 3
Team Zybko
July 17, 2014

Can we go? Can we go? Can we go mom, pah-leeeeease?

The right height and a few season passes have recently opened up a whole new entertainment zone for us these days.
La La is just a hair over 48 inches tall and ready to ride, anything she can wait in line for, everything is thrilling to this crazy 6 year old. Thank goodness for a winter growth spurt and the help of her cushioned, size one, multicolored New Balance tennis shoes. Otherwise we would need to rename the summer of 2014 to;

 The Almost 
Most Awesome Amusement Park Summer Ever!

Can we ride the Cobra tonight?
The upside down one La... are you sure about that?
Yes, mommy, very sure.

So much for reasonable bedtimes during summer vacation, notice the excited yet slightly sleepy eyes. We rode until closing time. My watch read 10:01pm as the fireworks lit up the summer sky and we exited the last running coaster of the night.

Thank you mom for taking us.
Can we come back tomorrow?

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