Friday, June 1, 2012

DAY # 152
JUNE 1ST, 2012

Most of the time I'm pretty easy to please. Really, I'm not usually difficult or high maintenance. Stop laughing. Baby Daddy pretends not to hear me when I say I'm pretty easy going and not that picky . I guess that's what difficult people say. Denial, I suppose. Ok, so I take it all back then. Sometimes just sometimes I may sorta be hard to please.
Take these detergent PODS for example. These little squishy, toss in the washer before any color load, light or dark are genius. I'm a TIDE girl so I totally HAD to give them a whirl.
I'm also a container freak so I was pleasantly surprised the first time I picked up the beautifully shaped recyclable plastic goodness.
Easy to open with one hand lid.
Yes, check. Love it.
Ocean mist scent. Yes, smells great.
Directions and warnings in 3 of my favorite languages, just in case. Yes, awesome. I'm all for inclusion
I even like the weird number of  capsules. 77. No one could fix that on the production line? Shove 3 more in or take 2 out?
 That's somewhat odd, and of course actually odd.
Did I mention the just right indentation for your soccer mom hand as you hastily grab it off the too high shelf. In a hurry to get the pee-pee sheets washed in warm water before you forget and it's all the sudden bed time. 
So the point is. I could go on and on about the countless pros's surrounding this modern product.
BUT, and there is always a big BUT.....
Here is the hard to please this particular princess lady part.   

These freaky little inventions were obviously designed by an outdoor animal lover. An amphibian guru to be even more specific. Ok, that might extreme. Let's say someone who doesn't mind pickin' up frogs of any kind. Nasty, slimy disgusting feeling frogs.
 Like 7 year old boys.....and I've heard, some girls.
Not that I have ever in my entire 29 years on this earth ever ever ever picked up a frog on purpose. I have unfortunately have had the opportunity to touch, hold and slightly squeeze before I knew what was happening. I realize to some, frogs are  wonderful lovely creatures. To own as a pet, to love on and hold whenever the moment hits you.
Not for this chica. No way. No how.
Never, like I said intentionally do I choose to get close. We do have a pool so frogs happen around here, like in this picture. Zooming in of course.

So I'm chugging through this recent purchase, about half way done with these PODS. I can do it
I preserver. I can't throw them out. I'm pushing through. I do what I have to do. A life of a Princess is not always pretty.  Roughly 34 spins cycles left. Piece of cake.
This occasionally hard to please girl closes her eyes, tries hard not to be dramatic and  reaches down into the container I once thought was cool. I feel the miniature fresh smelling frogs between my fingers.
 Was there even a test group for these suckers?
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
Gotta wash the pool towels next.   

1 comment:

  1. "In a hurry to get the pee-pee sheets washed in warm water before you forget and it's all the sudden bed time. "
    Been there! I have made Eli sleep with his sister two nights in a row because we were so busy and I kept forgetting to change the sheets. Plus he's on the top bunk and I refuse to make that bed. It's the husband's job!
