Sunday, September 9, 2012

365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day #206
September 9th, 2012

1) Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2)Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

belief -trust- confidence- credence- credit

How do we teach our kids about faith?
Get them to understand it?
To live and believe it? 
A full life guided and centered around GOD and his faith in us?

My answer in two words.

Technically 8 but 2 each each line. Ya got me...right?

And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, as you accept it not as the word of men but as it is the word of God which is at work in you who believe.
1 Thessalonians 2:13

Do I follow and practice everything I read in my beautiful green book with my name engraved proudly on the front cover?
 Dang sister, I wish I could answer YES to that.

The reality is I am a big fat ball of bad decisions and hypocrisy wrapped up in a soccer mom body with a toothy, cheesy smile.
I derail from the right path daily.
 I need help.
 I need guidance.
I need the love of God promises to keep me going.
I need my cup of FAITH filled up.
 Through the good, bad and ugly of this life.
Faith......yes......I'd like a free refill please. 

I desire to know Jesus better and the words written in red in the four gospels. I read them, sometimes have trouble understanding, re-read them, and try to memorize them.
I want those particular vowel and consonant combinations dancing around my head to a Pitbull kinda beat. Or perhaps, picture a cheat sheet tucked in my back pocket helping me to be a better person, love others more than myself and a close reminder to keep my eye on the prize. Spending time in the word keeps me in check for all areas of my little tiny world. To be a loving and supportive wife through all the days of marriage no matter what. Jesus softens my heart one chapter at a time as I discover over and over again how wonderful and perfect He is.
Jesus with his actions prompts me to be kinder to the people that may have done me wrong. Past, present and future. Last but not least, when I carry around God's word with me, tucked and neatly organized in my heart it guides and molds my job as a mother.
A parent and a role model who strives to remain
supportive, patient and caring
 through every stage of child raising. 

A million times I have prayed into the darkness with eyes shut tight and hands clasped. Barely fighting the sleep off,
my last thoughts are these.
 Jesus....Please help me be more like you.

When I read my Bible at whatever time of day the stories jump off the thin pages and hit me in the forehead. In a, I should have had a V8 sorta way. A wake up call with no snooze necessary. The feeling is so very right and comforting to my worn out soul, I find myself craving more each day. A warm and fuzzy feeling descends super naturally straight down from the popcorn ceiling. Not stopping until the dust bunnies under my bed are scattered and shoots back up again, in a continual circle. 
While reading the New Testament the theatre girl in me gives them individualized voices, not unlike reading library books to my little ones. As if the people of that day and faith come to life. To have personally roamed the earth back in those days would have been wild. To take a time machine back a few thousand years would be even wild-er. What a cool night that would be sitting around a sturdy wooden table with a cold Corona, a freshly sliced lime and some dudes named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I suppose no Corona would be available, I'm sure I would adapt and learn to like  and appreciate wine.
Ya know what they say....
When in Rome.....or as they do.
I'm thinking it's gotta taste better than Mad Dog 20/20 circa 1990.

Just chillin' and listening, soaking it all up. Hearing from them, first hand what faith means to them and how it felt to actually meet the living walking faith whom God sent. Next drink of choice would be strong coffee, wouldn't want to miss a thing as they told stories way past my bedtime. I hope they wouldn't mind my favorite glow in the dark smiley face pajamas, chipped toe nail polish and the fact I haven't washed AND brushed my hair in a few too many showers.
Pretty sure they would look past all that un-important stuff to get the word out.
We should too actually.

So I find myself one morning trying to teach the younger kids about faith. I realize it can be a tough idea to understand, especially to a four year who has blue eye shadow, fake heels and lip gloss on all before the morning bell rings.
What does faith look like mommy? Can I make mine pink?

 We read some 'greastest' hits stories about faith from a children's Bible we packed from South Carolina.
 The mustard seed parable in Luke chapter 17.

What kinda tree is a mulberry tree?
In that kids song, isn't a bush not a tree?
Why would you want to move it into the sea?
It wouldn't survive there right?

And the story of the blind men who were healed by Jesus because of their faith in chapter 27 in the book of  Matthew. They 110% believed without a doubt that Jesus could make them see again.

Mom, do you think they were really blind or do you think they were just testing Jesus to see if he was listening?
Huh, what did you say honey?

I try once more with another story about faith.
Back to Luke chapter 5.

The story of a group of friends who are determined to help their paraplegic friend get to Jesus. If only they could find a way. Such a huge crowd has formed to hear Jesus speak, making it impossible to get in through the front door, or any other way. They decide through the roof was their only option. The only way to get him close enough to Jesus. Lowering him through the ceiling tiles, mat and all. Finally in front Jesus after much trouble and determination, the friend is healed and walks out of the house with no assistance.

So they just broke in? That's not cool.
Where the friends like ninjas or something?
Where they wearing pink?

Oh boy.
Slow to speak, quick to listen and slow to
become angry dance around my brain.
Grape vining to the right, to the left and back to the right again.
   Fairly certain they weren't getting or even listening to the point  as they cock their heads to one side with squinted eyes. I point to a few key words freshly sharpied on a random piece of scratch paper.
Here guys....let me re-read these.


Still blank stares. I'm flat lining this important lesson.
Think think think. Ok, hang on.
Let me get the laptop, I will show ya all what I'm saying.
I am a visual learner so maybe a different approach will work.

Remember while we were driving through that cute little town a
a few weekends ago what we saw?
A waterfall! A waterfall!
It was the first time any of us had seen a real life water fall since moving here.
 We were all totally excited. It was so beautiful even at 500 yards away and going 50 miles an hour. It really wasn't even that big but Daddy quickly turned the truck around to find a way there.
Not from the road but closer.
We had no idea how to get this beautiful spot.
I was even a bit nervous but we all trusted Daddy to find the right path, to keep us safe and not led us astray.

The trail was overgrown with tall itching uncomfortable grass. Obviously not frequently traveled, like it led to nowhereville.
Are you sure this is the right way to go Daddy?

Psalm 25:4
Show me your ways, O Lord,
Teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my savior,
 and my hope is in you all day long. 

Yes, trust me.
 I will be with you the entire way.
Give me your hand I won't let you fall.

Psalm 73:23
Yet I am always with you;
you hold me by your right hand. 

Don't freak out, Delaney has a hold of your shirt just in case.

Romans 1:11
.....that you and I may be mutually encouraged
by each others faith.

Whoa whoa whoa. Not that way kids. It's too steep.
This is too hard Daddy.
We don't really wanna see the waterfall that badly.
Yes you do.
Keep coming.
Small steps, small steps. 

Psalm 85:13
Righteousness goes before him
and prepares the way for his steps.

Listen to me kids,
I won't ever lead you down the wrong way.

1 John 3:7
Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray.
He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.

Look at the unexpected pretty surprises along the way.

Direct me in the path of your commands,
 for there I find delight.

It's so pretty and peaceful here.

John 16:33
I have told these things, so that in me you may have peace.
 In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!
I have overcome the world.

Ouch, these thorns are awful, they are tearing up my legs.
Just step out of them, don't get tangled up.

Hebrews 12:1
.....let us throw off everything that hinders
 and the sin that so easily entangles....

So cool how the water is flowing out of the rock.

1 Timothy 1:14
The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly,
along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

Look at how those trees have grown.
2 Thessalonians 1:3
We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightfully so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing.

Thank you Daddy for taking care of us.
Anytime, it's what I do. 

John 14:11
Believe me when I say that I am in the father and the Father is in me; or at least believe in the evidence of the miracles themselves. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.


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