Wednesday, February 1, 2012


February 1, 2012

DAY # 91


I Finally plugged my phone up to the computer to upload or download, I never remember which word it is. I always drag my feet doing this. Mostly because I don't really know what I'm doing. Not an ordeal to most humans these days in the age of technology. I know it's not 'rocket surgery' just not my natural thing. Baby Daddy is the engineer, we all have our strengths people. Second reason, the computer totally jacks up and messes with my play lists for class. This also may sound a bit whiny but my fellow instructors get it. Like a neatly stacked lesson plan thrown into the air on a windy day. Papers or songs in this case ALL over the place and out of order. I have no extra free time to re-sort and staple if you will. Anyways, as I was starting to say.....Iphone pictures are now nice and secure. Saved for bloggin and viewing at my convenience.

(Thank you Dylan, my personal one man geek squad teen.)

Found this gem. These two four year olds are besties, BFF's the real deal. Only 2 weeks separate their birthdays and since then they have hardly been separated. Ethel and Mildred, we like to call them. Can't really tell you who is who, doesn't really matter. Ethel smiles and sequels when Mildred comes in the room. Mildred tells me on tired nights how much she misses Ethel. Countless amounts of play dates have filled they short lives thus far. Arguments and issues too, that's ok, totally normal. Us Mommas talk it through, we know neither one of these sassy, sweet girls are perfect. That's ok too, we admit and know we aren't either.

I have been a little selfish, well maybe a lot selfish about how this move is going to effect me. Not giving enough thought to my little ones and their heart friends and special relationships born and grown here. This slightly blurry cell picture was a slap in the face with a cold, dead fish for me. It's going to be hard on them for sure. I ought to be more focused and compassionate about that.

My own Ethel quotes from Proverbs:
....there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (sister)
I'd look it up and give you chapter/verse but I'm always a little nervous to minimize. Kinda like a Grandma who doesn't grasp the concept of the Internet.

Just the other day while La-La packs her gear for the MACK, which includes a snack, drink and 8 pounds of play make-up I remind her if she brings it, she needs to share with everyone.

Not everyone mommy, just my best friend.

I will share with Evelyn, I don't mind her germs cause she is like a sister.

To my Ethel (LUCY)
If I had any make up you would wanna use I would share it with you too. You are like a sister. Oh wait, I do have some left over chap stick. I will bring it to the gym tomorrow.

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