Thursday, May 1, 2014

From 2 Years to 20
In a Blink of an Eye!
Day 352
May 1, 2014
Team Zybko

Happy Birthday Dylan! Are you really 20 years old already?
Don't blink I tell new moms when I see them with a newborn, it really does go by fast, super fast. 

Actually, that's not entire true. I do in fact hear my own voice surrounded by an invisible thought bubble hovering above my head but for the most part try to refrain from uttering these overused expressions out loud. First of all, it completely blows my I am still 29 exaggeration age, makes me sound soccer mom old and unfortunately, the wisdom filled words end up flying right over a new moms head anyway. 

When you are cradling a brand new swaddled baby it's pretty impossible to picture your smooth skinned little nugget with arm pit hair, enrolled in college and 2 decades old. I do however, tell stressed out moms to slow down, enjoy the days of child rearing and never mind the house work, it will be there tomorrow, the next day and forever. Your child however, with or without your consent will eventually move out from under the cozy roof he or she calls home base.

Thank you Dylan for the past 20 years, it has been an honor and a joy to call you my son. I won't get all crazy mushy, promise. I'm pretty sure I did that on last years post, along with naked baby pictures. BTW, sorry about that. 

You have managed to live the 7,300 days of your life with bright, contagious smiley eyes, leaving a trail of happiness behind you for others to enjoy. Always searching for the lesson in any situation, looking for the opportunity to love your brothers and sisters and good work ethic are a few special things about you. Concentrating hard to tell a story or to remember the punch line of a really bad joke are up there too. BTW, most of the time we were laughing with you, the others times, well, just remember, being able to laugh at yourself is the first step. 

Being hundreds of miles away, unable to celebrate with you the day you came into the world is hard for a momma. I guess that's simply part of the deal that comes with your kids growing up and becoming real people in the world. Bummer. 

I wish we could have snuck past the military gates last night to decorate your dorm room with dollar store crea paper swirls, yummy cupcakes and a cheap Happy Birthday banner. But, after a few clear minded thoughts I realized this to be a bad idea. The fact that none of the kids have an indoor voice and taking into account where you go to school I realized it probably wouldn't work out so well. More than likely we would have been shot dead before the first hot breathed spitty balloon was taped to the wall. So instead, please know we are with you in spirit and send ALL of our love via social networking and a loud speaker phone family call later today. 
BTW, Daddy and I are more than proud of the man you have become, you fill my favorite coffee cup with momma pride, everyday. See, I told you I would only get a little mushy. 
Hope your day is wonderful!
Love, Team Zybko :)

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