Monday, May 20, 2013

Behind The Lens of an 11 Year Old
Day #30
May 29th, 2013
Team Zybko

I grabbed my morning joe and sat down at the computer to edit some pictures from the week. Some of my favorite alone time, my current hobby that makes me happy. I stare at the screen and take another sip from my hot mug. I don't recognize the pictures, I must have the wrong chip in. I scroll down the right side with the mouse, entertained and pulled in by the pictures. Delaney has a different perceptive of  life from her 11 year old world than I do as a mom. I like it, I may be bias but the angles, content and lighting are pretty good. Before I know it I need a refill but too lazy to get up. I have spent more time poking around her visual diary of daily life than I expected. Hhhmmmm....I don't think she would mind if I used a couple lot of these for a post.  
  I have already taught Delaney the only 3 settings I know how to adjust on her Nikon. That is mechanically everything I know. Some stuff is harder to teach. Timing, sneakiness on getting the shot, grabbing the moment before it's gone....etc. More like instints than button pushing. I enjoy seeing what she believes to worthy of holding a spot on her memory card. A momma can learn a lot.
 Like, whoa, my butt looks way bigger from the back than I thought, no worries, she won't mind if I do a little
cropping before she wakes up. 








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