Wednesday, May 15, 2013

 Photo Sniping
Day #24
May 15th, 2013
Team Zybko

I'm Not Creepy

I'm Just a Professional People Watcher
With a Zoom Lens

Delilah's shorts are bigger than these.
I was confused as he seemed too young to have had these shorts from the late 70's. New fashion, I am so behind the times.

Cute...cute...cute family.

Some things you simply can NOT un-see.
A slightly tipsy halfway dressed happy
lady bull riding at the beach.
She stayed on surprisingly long. Good for her.

Something really goober-ish about these dudes.
In a good way of course.
It was hot that day,
I hope they could at least pop open a cold one on their break. 

This dad was so into playing catch with his son.
Jumping, rolling, diving...
whatever it took to get the ball in the glove.

Eating alone in a sit down place.
Just him, his pizza and his laptop.
Looked totally cool with it.
I'd rather sit in my van.
I guess I'm a drive through closet vehicle eater.

Whoop Whoop!

He looked like someone famous,
being interviewed on race weekend at the civic center. 
His future is so bright he has gotta wear shades. 

This mom did this for an hour straight. 
She was either from a land locked state or one of those freaky a mamarazzi.  :) 

3 Amigos

Playful soccer Dad and a happy little one.

Uh, don't know where to start.
This is why I stay a bit more covered up.
Don't want to end up on any ones FB.
Positive side, he is very comfortable with who he is.
That's important.
I'm still putting him on here though.

I must get me one of these hats.
Captain Feather sword from the Wiggles better watch out.

This girls was going for it. 
Attacking her ice cream like a champ.
This terrible picture of me might be found on another sniper's memory card so I feel the need to fess up and relinquish a not so great one of me. To cut down on the guilt.
5 seconds before this shot, I was stuck in the splits position. Like a Barbie split, the best splits I have ever done in my whole entire life. Somehow the only way anyone could help me was to push me over backwards. An open palm and forceful arm to the forehead did the trick. I seriously can't make this stuff up.

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