Sunday, August 19, 2012

365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day #203
August 18th, 2012
How I Spent My Summer Vacation

The first day we woke up in our new temporary condo we are greeted by this wipey board. July 4th with temperatures like these make me giggle a bit. Back home our air conditioning unit is fighting for its life night and day, battling a record breaking heat wave.  

BD take us to a breakfast place on a golf course with an award winning view. I can tell by the look on my face I wasn't cheered up by the blue glistening lake or hot biscuits and gravy. I tried to hide my true feelings. I really did. Gave it an old college try. If pretending about the move were an actual class I would have perhaps skimmed by with a D+.....if a curve was involved.

I pick some Minnesota wild flowers and place them behind
 my ear next to my unbrushed hair to perk me up.

I take my Julie the Cruise Director job pretty seriously. I want to do a good job despite the lack of monetary paycheck or boss hovering over my shoulder. Re-doing these days aren't an option or fair to my kids. It's not their fault this relocated soccer mom resembled a big blubbering baby. In this change of season I do my best to sidetrack the little ones with fun activities. A busy mind and body can't be a lonely, sad or lethargic one. Right? 

So seven weeks ago for the sake of
 all parties involved I made a decision. 
I can.
I should.
 I will.
 As long as we are plunked in the middle of this outdoor wonderland we might as well make the most of it. 
I splashed my face with imaginary ice cold sweet tea and told myself to snap out of it and get over myself. Enjoy the kids and have fun.  

My positive behavior can wait till later, right after I fight the crazy bright 4:30am sunshine. Best alarm clock ever, if you weren't on Summer break that is. Somehow, like a virus it crept through the tiniest of holes to caress my face. Who am I kidding. The freaky early wake up call burned a hole in my retinas, leaving me no other choice than to get up and start the day.

Train hopping

 Learning local facts one historic marker at a time.

Swim time

Cliff jumping.
The smallest little baby jump and only twice but I DID do it.

 I seriously under packed the correct combination of t-shirts and pants that fit my widening non Zumba-ing waistline. I have promised my family that when we return to the east coast I will burn this shirt. I wear it every other day. It feels soft, fits nicely over my yoga pants, reminds me of the gym, hides stains and always reminds me...
I Choose Wisely.
What else can you ask for in free shirt?

We stumble upon a new beautiful park almost everyday of the week.
This state has some of the best outdoor play areas ever.
Equipment up to date, patches of blooming flowers scattered, no trash, freshly mowed grass and equally fresh port a potties.
I still tell the kids Don't look down Donkey simply out of habit and future not fresh, non flushable toilets they come across. 

Comfort snacks 

Retail therapy shopping at Good Will for the upcoming cold winter.
No picture of me goofing off in a furry, white, ankle length fur coat.
It was too small or else I was gonna buy that sucker and wear it with my Rainbows. Like people aren't starring at us enough when they are in earshot of a few "momma" and "y'alls" in my kids South Carolina drawl.

Discovering 10,000 lakes in my cheap water shoes.
I get it now why true granola girls save up a pile of pennies to invest in a sturdy pair of Keens. $10 feels like $10 on your feet any way you slice it. Payless hurt more. Period.

Bathroom fun 

I was served pie every difficult bike trail we rode. My sweet tooth is generally a huge diet problem but humble pie isn't sweet or good, even when it's served a la mode. Walking my bike up the side of the mountain got old real fast.  

Having played softball my entire childhood I make a terrible tennis player. I never made the proper swing transition from bat to racket.
 I do however make a ton of home runs over the fence that apparently don't count for anything in this sport.
 Luv this, luv that, whatever...I say grand slam! 

Smokeless smoke breaks by the picture perfect lake.

Under ground mine tour.

Thank you Lake Superior stranger for offering to take a picture with the kiddies. Glad he was an honest guy, he surely could have run all the way to Lake Ontario with my camera before I got down from that boulder photo op.
 I blame it on the cheap water shoes and the angle.
It's difficult to see how tall, slippery and steep it actually is.
Yes, the four year old was able to get
 down just fine in her cheap sparkly Payless shoes.
What's your point?  

Maybe it is time to spend less money on sugary
 snacks and buy a $8 box of color for a quick root touch up.

Water balloon toss afternoon.

First time 4 wheelin'. I admit openly the entire afternoon that rednecks have been on to something for years. Sorry about that people. Snowmobile season soon. I'm stocking up on dip, cooling a few FORTIES, ordered a Confederate Flag online and have driven my family crazy as I have mastered my choice of battle cries.
 If you are offended by this please feel free insert a stereo typical joke about aerobics instructors. Plenty to pick from.
I'm cool with that, I used to be blond too.  

Making lists to keep focused each morning.
I always start the day with coffee and list.
I have high hopes when the sun is rises.
 Unfortunately I always complete the day with an uncompleted list and wishing I had consumed more coffee. 


Oh my word....I'm wearing that stupid shirt again.
 My neon pink shorts look fly though. See, I do choose wisely.

Just for the Disney lovers out there, I am sure you will understand.
 Super hard to kayak without singing this song from Pocahontas....
Just around the river bend....
at the top of my voice mind you.  

All aboard the hippie train!

Used these coolers everyday. Ee'ryday Ee'ryday.


Delaney much to my delight has caught the picture bug.
I don't mind slowing down to capture these irreplaceable Summer time memories. Unfortunately I have no recollection why we are showing off our muscles. Not important.

I misplaced my insulated barrel for the waterfalls so onto plan 'B'. Protection from the icy water with an umbrella will have to do. 

Summer is officially over for Team Zybko. Started back to school this past Monday. Flying through rows and rows of pictures from the last 7 weeks took longer than expected. Recapping a new kinda packed Summer with all it's adventures in one post proved harder than I thought. I hate to see these lazy day scheduled days come to an end. On the other hand I am beyond delighted to see my true smile has returned.   

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