Wednesday, November 21, 2012

365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day # 252
November 22nd, 2012
These Nikes Have Seen a Different Me 

A few months ago Baby Daddy treated me to a new phone and durable case. The real tough sturdy kind for moms who tend to drop expensive technology more than once a day.
 Call him crazy but he is one of these people who thinks an iPhone should not have to be held together with hello Kitty duck tape, front to back. I do have to admit even in the middle of small town Minnesota it was looking pretty gu-hett-oe. Aside from a bit of difficulty reading texts and cloudy picture taking from the scratches, my whatever generation blah blah blah phone worked fine. I wasn't in a hurry for a new one. Bells and whistles are pretty much wasted on this non impressed hand held device girl.
Can I text with it?
Can I check Face Book with it?
Can I find out the exact temperature of Biwabik with it?
Can I look up Home School anything kinda ?'s with it?
OK, cool. I'm happy.     

I avoid looking him directly in the eyes. I don't want him to read my mind, cause I know the burning question on my mind would surely come out rude, ungrateful and shallow.
Why on earth would you get me a pink, rough, hunting pattern case only a true outdoor girl would appreciate?
Do you like it?.... he asks.
Um, um....a lot of stuttering and shifting my feet later I reply.
Oh yes honey, thank you so much.
He didn't buy my answer for a second.
It matches your warm, flappy, jacky, stay warm hat dontcha ya know? He was pulling me in with more quetions as I tried to leave the room. 
I just figured you were a new wilderness MN kinda girl now.
No, not was in the sale bin and I kept the receipt just in case.

I have always been an outdoor girl. Nature is amazing. I just don't want to be roughing it while I enjoy it. The Girl Scouts and me didn't really work out, they kicked me out 30 years ago, can't remember the reason, something about Thin Mints. Kicked me off Troop #867 before I earned my archery and shooting badges, bummer, a girl can't survive off  cookies alone. I would have no idea how to live off the land if actually stranded somewhere with out my cooler backpack, car keys and smart phone. 2 days tops before I eat the wrong color berry or worry myself to death about the scary noises in the leaves.

This Minnesota stay-cation has been one outdoor adventure after another. My Nikes have never seen so many pebbles, beautiful bike paths, deer scat, snowy slopes, mud puddles, scuzzy lake foam, secluded trails, rickety wooden stairs and big huge climbable boulders.

Crazy shoe people know the average, healthy shoe, has a life expectancy of about 3-5 months depending on the use. Seems a bit extravagant I know but I can't help but live by this. Knees start to twinge as the cushion begins to wear out even with inserts. Pounding on the aerobics floor day after day takes its happy dancing toll with each 4 minute Pitbull song. I wear and kill my trusty Nikes from the inside out. 

When I received these kick butt Nikes for Mothers Day 6 months ago they had no idea what was in store any more than I did. What sights they would walk, hike, bike, climb and swim. Yes swim, the bottom of any lake gives this Girl Scout drop out slimy, awful nightmares.

These eight and halves probably won't find their way to a second owner. They are tattered and falling apart on the outside. The insides though are more intact and better off than they were 5 months ago.   

Oh snap, sometimes its tough being a tennis shoe freak.
I feel like my shoes.
We are one.
I am my shoes.
 That's so weird when that happens.

I haven't given more than 8 minutes per week in front of the mirror working on my outside appearance. Trust me, it shows. Ugly facial hair has taken over, dark roots are a hot mess and don't get me started on the same two outfits I rotate wearing every other day. Comparatively speaking, my insides and heart have been softened quite a bit. Less pounding from the real world has left me fresh and ready to go, better than 5 months ago for sure.

Comparatively speaking, my insides and heart have been kept up and manicured quite a bit. The up side to spiritual growth, I'm pretty sure your hair doesn't come in grey.
Who knows what color it really is, doesn't really matter.  

I wasn't looking for myself here in Minnesota but I found myself anyway. Less pounding and harsh reality from the real world has left me fresh and ready to go. Leaving this outdoor heaven will be tough, it really is breathtaking but I'm anxious to pack and head back to the east coast. Ready to talk to anyone willing to listen to the new me and what she thinks is important. 

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