Saturday, November 24, 2012

365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day #267
A Thank-half-full Thanksgiving
November 24th, 2012

"They" say
"They" hardly say anything after that.
So "I" will.
Missing half the kids this Thanksgiving Day I found it to be a constant struggle to keep my glass half full.
We filled the day with activities and memories, just the five of us
 but it wasn't quite the same. It was a big change. It was a thankful day. Despite the good, my heart idled at lonely most of the day. Moms change hats throughout their career, I get that.
 Every stage of this child raising gig, hat
 Gets tough to keep the right one on when the wind blows and tough when it isn't the hat you wanna wear at the moment. Just wanted to put that out there. I'm sure I miss them more than they miss me at this point. They are growing up. I get that too. I've been learning how to the wear the mom hat of college kids. Not the cake walk I thought it would be. I take that back, I really had no idea what it would be like at all. People can tell you, explain to you and even warn you but that ain't the same as at all. This hat doesn't fit very well, maybe it's the huge Condit head I was given at birth or maybe inexperience is the actual culprit. Either way, doesn't change the fact this learning process is
never ending,
ever changing
and sometimes lonely. 
Love you big kids.
Needless to say we all missed you lots.   

History Lesson Given By The Principal 
Cheesy Crafts
Apple Crisp
Parade Dancing
Mid Day Fire Compliments Of My Favorite Indian
A Game Of Pool
An Buffet Feast
Fun With Flashlights
A Fire In The Dark
 In A Blizzard

1 comment:

  1. sending you some blog love friend. . . great post and loved the apple pic :)
