Wednesday, December 19, 2012

365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day # 274
The Journey Back to the South
December 19th, 2012

So it's been two and half weeks since my last post, man how time flies when you have no Internet. Frankly I haven't missed it more than the dreaded process of having it reconnected. Calling, waiting, admitting over the phone I am a computer ding dong when it doesn't work 3 hours later and of course waiting all day for a dude to come to install a modem. Nope, haven't missed it that much. I am certainly not on Minnesota time anymore, way back in that time zone blogging was simply part of the day. That ship has sailed my friend. I also believe the  five month long luxury to indulge in that hobby perhaps burnt me out just a tiny bit. I have had no desire to plunk my big ole bum in front of a key board and type my feelings away. (Everyone knows I'd rather eat them anyway) I have taken no more than 50 or so pictures, iPhone excluded of course since arriving back home. BUT today I am glad to finally shuffle through pictures from our road trip back to the east coast.

The installer guy showed up to the house today between the actual hours previously told to me AND a day early. Whoa ho ho, wait a minute, those Mayans may be right about the end of the world after all. When has this ever happened to anyone EVER?  Strange things happening. We also paid nothing and were told a refund would apply to our next bill. Hold on tight people only a few days left on earth. Good news is, I can at least get in some good solid posts before the calendar runs out on the 21st.

Unfortunately the details of the trip did not crazy glue to my brain, at all. Baby Daddy I'm sure is a bit annoyed at this point as I have asked him repeatedly about the fours days we were all held as prisoners in the....well....prison van. I've concluded that driving many hundreds of miles across multiple states is sorta like child birth. You are aware it will be a long process, won't be comfortable, perhaps even down right painful at some point, yet it cannot be avoided. Ya just gotta do it. BUT don't worry your brain will wash away all the not so pretty parts until you are dumb enough to do it again.

High light from day #1

Watching the kids frantically peel off  Northern Minnesota layers when we stopped for lunch.
 Doing the happy, happy, happy warm dance as we all's 57 degrees! It's 57 degrees!
I can't believe it is SOOOOOO HOT!    

Illinois and Indiana are beautiful states for sure. For sure any more than an hour is too much cattle, corn and tractor country for me. Like a Twilight Zone episode from the 80's, mile markers on the interstate seemed to go backwards down the number line as we cruised along. Maybe because we are all anxious to get to my sisters house in Sandwich, Illinois. Yes, the name of the small town is Sandwich or Sam-itch as I like to call it. 

Hayley and Hannah please don't kill me for posting this. Yes, I know it was super early and you had not taken showers yet but to me, in ever picture you guys are rock star models.

Kathryn had a hot spaghetti dinner waiting for us on the most elegant table setting ever. Lovely, just lovely I tell you.They have the kinda house I could visit one hundred and one times and still manage to discover something new each time I snooped politely looked around.

We hated to leave. All three of the kids contemplated staying as we packed up and prepared to drive off, even though they weren't officially invited. I reminded them how far away SC was to this house and it may actually be months before Daddy and I came back to get them. They still weren't sure, they LOVE that crew that much. Kathryn handed me a goody bag of treats for the road as I mentioned a Nike outlet was in our future. That was all she wrote. See YA later alligator! Love you Aunt Kath!  
High Light Day #2

How big is one of those propellers to those cool energy windmills you ask? Way bigger than you think. Freakishly huge when driving beside a truck carrying one.

Thank you God for this heavenly Kentucky sunset
and the smell of new Nikes.

Day #3

After a "free" hot breakfast, some quick, van window artwork we were on the road again Willie!
To conclude our study of the 16th President of the United Sates, we were off in search of the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln.
Changing from my Goodwill, 2 sizes too big duck boots to a pair of get my booty back in shape pink spider woman Nikes a few hours into the days travels.  

I am a big dork, I admit that. I also am a big fan of historic markers and Nation Parks. These two statements may go hand in hand, more research to come.

"With malice toward none with charity for all"
That's right Abe....preach on brother man.
Wish we could have stayed longer, learning more, seeing more but we were on a mission to surprise some college students at Clemmy. 

The home school adventure in the middle of nowhere Kentucky spun our itinerary out of control. In my spare time I will write the peeps in this fine state they may want to think about building a few more MAJOR HIGH SPEED roads. We arrived way later than expected to the Tiger Town campus. Never the less Diane greeted us with dinner, blow up mattresses, fresh towels and a perky yet slightly sleepy smile. Dylan said he figured it out the surprise somewhere between 4:00 and 10:00 when I failed to return texts. I happen to be driving on the most difficult stretch of mountain roads ever. To relive it would not be smart. Let's just say it involved multiple close calls with 18 wheelers, a couple hundred Hail Marys and even more whispered indecencies from my co-pilot. 
Next time you see me, ask me about it. I will even show you how my hands remain permanently clenched as if holding on to the steering wheel.

Day #4

A breakage of a water main at the school caused official people who make official decisions to cancel school for the day. Wow, how cool is that. Just 8 hours earlier Delilah had clung to Diane and told her she wished her home school would be cancelled so she could hang out with us.

After hanging around a few hours is was time to hop in the van one last time before reaching Florence, Little David and of course his new best pal, his dog Bella.

Coming back home after five months was like slipping on a pair of old jeans. The super comfortable ones with just the right bend in all the right places. Your favorite jeans in all time history of denim. The ones that make your butt look good even on a bad day.
Felt just right.
 Ya can't ask for any more that that.  

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