Thursday, December 27, 2012

365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day # 280
December 27th, 2012
Mom, You Don't Even Have Job!

Delilah is the easiest kid we have right now. Hands down. I didn't say favorite, just the easiest and lowest maintenance. She has a fun loving, easy going nature about here, she always has. Baby Daddy says she was the toughest baby we had, crying "all the time" I don't recall any of that....pssshhh he is crazy, my baby was perfect. Alright, I am not one of those kinda moms, I admit she most certainly is far from perfect and can be a total pain like all of us. Being the youngest of six kids Delilah has spent her entire life being dragged around place after place, and that my friend is the perfect truth. Being only five she has a wonderful yet naive view of the world around her. I like this age. Of course it's impossible to guess her future SAT scores and how her life will play out but I will say she was given the correct hair color at birth. Dirty Blond. Conversations with her are always interesting, funny and sometimes too honestly insightful.

I am not a big fan of those books "If You Give a Mouse a....."
I don't know why, they just never appealed to me but then again "Good Night Moon" eventually grew on me. Anyway, I recall this series when I think about a day in the life of Delilah.
If you give her a bucket of cheap make-up...she will be happy and in La La land for weeks.
Actual conversation one day after she had applied roughly 3 pounds of make-up while I did school with the other two. It kept her busy through 2 subjects at least.

Mom, you do know what I wanna be when I grow up right?
Yes honey, a rocket scientist of course.
Mom, how can I do know I don't even  like math.
A bear tamer?
Eeeeewwwww no way, those poops would be way smelly.
A mom?
No, mom....I want to dress nice everyday ya know.
Alright honey, I was just playing round. I know the real answer. 
A make-up artist at Ulta's right?
Yep, so I can make lots of money.
Why do you need lots of money sweety?
SO I can buy more make-up....geesh.
Don't you think you have enough make-up already?
Well I will need it for other stuff too.
Like what?
Containers to put the make-up in.
Do you think they make a lot of money there?
Yes, tons.
You don't need TONS of money to live a happy life Delilah.
 Just enough for every day.

Her little brain was thinking so hard the tacky colored blush was flying off her baby cheeks.
Thinking, thinking, thinking.
How does mom know anything about making money?

Mom, no offense, but what do you know about money?
You don't even have a job.

She wasn't being rude, just observant.
I couldn't resist laughing.
I also couldn't resist sitting her down to do more school work.
AND hiding her make-up til she finishes the twelfth grade.


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