Monday, October 28, 2013

Family Portrait A La Crayola
Day 177
October 28, 2013
Team Zybko

I may need to think about getting a new home school art teacher, as one could really have a field day picking apart this family portrait. I will check the yellow pages tomorrow, but now, as the mother of the young artist, I give her an A plus plus plus. Grading on a curve of course, extra points are given for La La's lack of artistic gene pool, from my side at least. She can't help that and sorry mom and dad but ya know it's true. Nothing there, nada, zilch, big fat zero. I'd like to say we are better at creating verbal art instead, coming from a long line of talkers is quite an honor. Although I will say the smiley faces drawn with love on approximately 8 billion brown lunch bags through the years were terrific mom. I give you an A plus plus plus too mommy, mostly so you will pick up my call tomorrow or at least text me back after reading this.

Keeping these priceless pieces of crayola art just isn't practical. If you saved them all you would need a storage unit or one of those cool pod container things parked out in your front yard. That may get a little pricey and upset the neighbors just a bit. So instead, many of them get ditched in the kitchen trash, sent off to relatives or proudly live out their short lives front and center on the door of the fridge. This one is different though, a keeper for sure and I will tell you why. I love love love how she drew me. No not the big ole crazy eyes or the pink and blue dress similar to the one hanging in my closet that she tells me to wear every. single. day. of. my. life. I try and explain I have no shoes to match but she wants no excuses. I am surprised my fashion advisor didn't even give me shoes in the picture. Actually no one even has feet for shoes. Mental note, remember to find out about available art classes in my area. Anyway, the real reason I love it is the way I'm leaning into Baby Daddy. I won't bore you but this warms my pink crayola polka dot heart. La La must notice how close I always wanna be to her daddy, I want to lean in even when it's not the right time. My mind leans toward him when he is at work or on the other side of the soccer field. She sees that. STOP. WAIT. I am totally looking too deep into this. Who am I kidding, half her brothers and sisters  don't even have arms or noses. Bummer, it was just an accident we look so cozy. Oh well, it's still a keeper. I may even buy a frame, right after I buy pink heels.      

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