Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Best Park Day in History!
Everything is More Funner with the College Kids 
Day 326
March 27, 2014
Team Zybko

Traipsing over crunchy wood chips as we wind our way though playground equipment with my handy Gatorade caddy, a sensibly sun screened nose and my college kids made me feel a tidy tad old. I'm totally cool with that, sorta. I'm assuming the younger tired moms with diaper bags, sippy cups and front baby carriers secured tightly to their chest shot me funny looks as we walked by. Who wants to fit in anyway? Not me, but today I was uncharacteristically not side tracked or entertained with the rubber neckers.  Neither was my energetic stout crew worried about any thoughts, good or bad of any of the other occupants of "No Shade Park", one of our new favorite sunny day destinations.  Life is good but with my older kids home life is more funner. I know this isn't right. This incorrect grammar spews forth out of the innocent mouth of my lisp spitting toothless 6 year old. I softly correct her as it won't be so cute when she is 20 but find it hard to. I whole heartily agree with her raw observation. Everything, even a simple trip to the park is more funner with them.  I love you guys and I definitely hated to see y'all go.....again. 

Amateur gymnastics
Soccer juggling games
Physical Therapy by Dr. Bryson
(AKA beating the annoying 9 year with his own shoe)
Jumpy pictures
A never ending game of tag
(Swinging is NOT a safe base)
Drexel being Drexel
Delilah used as pawn cheerleader
Swing set Frogger game
(Not recommended for all)
Uncovered spring legs stuck on the plastic slide problem
Tricks mastered years ago yet still remembered
Shimmy shimmy co co puff up the pole challenge
Monkey in the middle
Monkey bars take more strength than I have issues

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