Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Christian Hypocrisy
Day 191
November 12, 2013
Team Zybko

Hypocrisy ain't a pretty thing. Especially when you are on this side of it looking in, it's really quite odorous and ugly. Boy it sure is easy though to peer over the wall at other peoples lives and see how they are living differently than they preach. Like a train wreck it's hard not to rubber neck in hopes of a better glance and understanding of how it all happened. You may try not to judge but almost against your will your vision becomes 20/20, crystal clear as you wonder why they would do and say such things. Aren't they Christians?

 I read a post on Face Book last week that made me mad, really mad. I was on the outside looking into the words and life of this friend I had met a few times but haven't seen in the real world in years. Maybe she was just having a bad day, I say to myself as I continue to eaves drop on her post. I couldn't believe my eyes as I impulsively kept peering over the edge of the wall into her day. I hit the comment part of my iPhone to see what others had to say about it. Subconsciously looking for someone out there in cyberspace to make it right. Anyone at all. Rebuke her a little, push her back in the right direction or bring her back to her senses.  These friends of friends whom I didn't even know did none of the above, they simply encouraged and made it worse. I was now sucked in and even madder than I was a minute before. If you know me, you know I am not really a get mad kinda girl. More of a lover than a fighter. Ya see, for whatever reason or reasons I tend to run very fast from any type of confrontation. Super fast, like a four minute mile, I am wearing super boost shoes, placing in my age group every time sorta fast. Confrontation makes my palms sweat and my heart race, threatening for it to beat right out of my chest. The long ago famous words spoken by Rodney King always come to the fore front of my brain when I see an argument storm a brewing. I think.
Why can't we all get along?

But this day as I stood leaning over my kitchen counter where my phone was charging I didn't run. I did the opposite of my norm. I remained rooted, deep in thought, my feet firmly planted to the cheap linoleum floor in need of a good mopping. I was pissed off and ready for battle, prepared to engage in a conversation that wasn't really mine but a fight that was.
I desperately wanted to type out my two cents worth but didn't . Instead I forced myself to calm down. Slow to speak, quick to listen and slow to become angry. I sat on my thoughts for a week but now I am ready to vent.

I don't know who reads here, besides the "likes" and sweet words I have no idea. I doubt this person who wrote the offensive post does but maybe, who knows. I don't write and dump my feelings on this blog in efforts to evoke debate, make anyone mad or to talk badly about people I know. Even the ones I "know" on Face Book but and never see in real life. I am a happy blogger. I post about what brings me sunshine and stuff I know about. Like being a child of God, a wife, a mother, how to pack a darn good snack pack and how to breastfeed while bowling a strike. Ya know, really important soccer mom stuff.  I tend to steer clear of politics and current events as I generally couldn't argue my way out of paper bag on either one. I don't like to argue anyway remember. I am a lover not a fighter. Side note; I need a bumper sticker of this made up, pronto!

Today is a different day. Today I am calling all hypocrites out in the light, including myself. Before I explain why this lady offended me so badly and hurt my feelings I will generously douse this post with a gallon or so of gasoline. I do this for one reason, at any point you feel I am talking out of both sides of my mouth, grab a match from the waist band of your yoga pants and set the whole thing on fire. Then you can go about your day or maybe even blog about me and my hypocrisy. Or as I want to rename it hypocrazy!

As a Christian I preach a lot. Not necessarily with words or from behind a pulpit but with my actions, every day, every hour, every minute. All the time. I believe in the Bible, I believe it is the Word of God, I believe is a lamp to my feet, I believe in following the commands it has for me and the guidance it shows me in my life. When you proclaim to love Jesus you are automatically put under a magnifying glass for every Tom, Dick and Harry to show you your ugly wrongs. Even other Christians. No problem if you are doing what is right in the sight of the Lord. If not though, you start to squiggle and squirm as you fry like an ant under the experimental hand of an eight year boy playing in the hot summer sun. OUCH.

Surely I am getting off track. Sorry about that. So what had happened was....this "Christian" who was spouting off on social media about a certain group of people hanging around outside the Library of the former city I lived in. This was the second time I had seen this type of comment with in the month. Well, please know, the Library is beautiful, big and awesome, I used to go there a lot. (Hi Edie, miss you) This building also happens to be plunked right in the middle of downtown. This part of downtown is the other side of the tracks for many. Taking most, soccer mom, SUV driving  suburbanites out of their comfort zone. In the FB conversation these people who hung around were referred to as thugs. These people were made fun of their literacy or lack there of. These people were ridiculed for having to use free Internet.
This made me sad and then mad and then sad again.
Hey, guess what?! Some of these people are homeless. Some of these people haven't eaten in days. Some of these people have no place to go to get warm or to cool off. Some of these people are struggling to free themselves from additions. Some of these people need jobs. Some of these people have no family to scoop them up when they fall. Some of these people don't know the love of God. Some of these people may make you feel uncomfortable.....I GET THAT. Never the less, these people are our brothers and sisters

 You should definitely listen to the prickly hairs on the back of your neck when it comes to safety. Both of my parents are from NYC. I have been taught from a very young age to always be aware of your surroundings and to be in tuned to every part of your gut. Even in small town USA. So, you may never feel OK walking past someone who hasn't had a shower in days or someone who is asking for a few bucks. I'm not suggesting that is necessarily problem. You may not even be called to help. That's OK too. I don't know your deal. Like I said early on, I was only a looky lou girl into some comments I thought were inappropriate. I am not innocent of this ugly thing called hypocrisy but what I do know is these people could be you or your child in a heart beat. A lost job, a mental illness, accumulated bad decisions or hanging out with the wrong crowd.

John 13:34
       “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Thank you. That is all. Tomorrow we will resume with our regularly scheduled programmed. Maybe a fluffy post about how to keep your underwear drawer smelling good.

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