Saturday, November 23, 2013

Team Zybko Goes ABSTRACT
One Unique Display at Time
Day 198
November 23, 2013
Team Zybko

We could have bought movie tickets but we didn't. 
We needed something different to do today.
We thought exposing the kids to art was a better choice.
We can see an animated film any old time.

The museum was new, clean and way fancier than the dollar movie theaters. Not busy either, we only saw a handful of other  peeps as we strolled through the exhibits with wide eyes and an open mind. Baby Daddy and I didn't say much to the kids before passing the sleek lobby and riding up 4 floors of steep escalators. Only explaining that you may not always understand someones art but it is their art never the less. Creativity speaks many languages. It's a personal thing. Well, that's sorta of the truth. I told them if you don't get it or you think it's not so pretty please don't say so out loud and don't sit down on what you may think is a seat cause it may actual be art.   

The place was sprinkled with some beautiful pieces. Sculptures, paintings, glass, wood and woven inspirations made by some talented people. As we meandered around countless glass cases I smiled as I thought about being here in a different season. Like a stroller season, serious sticky finger season and the crazy two year old run in every direction season. It was refreshing to have only been asked once by a security guard for the children to not lean on the glass.

 I seemed to get sidetracked in my thoughts and the very photogenic Charlotte skyline, which starred at me out of every window. I guess I liked the un-art and the 3 farty arts I brought with me more so than what I paid to look at. Or I have un-diagnosed ADD, I'll look into that later...ooh look at that one...over there....squirrel.

We asked the kids what the abstract art looked like to them. Ironically, the names given by my 11, 8 and 6 year old were never the same as the what the plaque on the wall read. Re-naming was half the fun. If the cultural experience wasn't enough they had a fully stacked, hands on kids room on the bottom floor of the museum. We happily stayed in that room for a few hours creating our masterpieces for our very own fridge. Gluing, cutting, tracing and crafting away enough pipe cleaners projects to get our admission money back ten fold. Now only if they had popcorn and ice cold coke, we would have purchased a season pass.  


a milk ripple

hidden dragon 

 goobers stuck in a box

parmesan cheese


 transparent jelly bean

 root beer


belly button

 who flung doo

home school torture desk


dinosaur poop

 kitchen rug

Hey Honey, what do you see in this one?
I don't.

Baby Daddy....Wake up

Keep looking at will see something 

Is that supposed to be in here mom?


Air vents

dead butterfly

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