Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sister Love 
Day 186 
November 7th, 2013
(Happy Birthday Mommy)
Team Zybko

Yes Drex....
Do you know what my favorite face is that you make?
The question came out of the blue while he was supposed to be adding decimals from page 32 and 33 in his workbook.
I take a deep breath, look up from the dishes and pretend this is the right time to be talking about something other than math.
No, I don't Drex.
It's when you smile really big and your eyes get all squinty. You look just like Aunt Kathryn and Aunt Virginia.
The response made me so warm and fuzzy I didn't even fuss about him getting side tracked from schoolwork. I tell him I like that same goofy face on my sisters too. I miss my sisters a lot. I didn't say that to him, instead I take a tiny bit of that minute and say a quick prayer for them both. Both live in different states. 

We definitely don't get to spend enough time together. The many miles in distance and the18 kids between us are big get together buzz kills. We stay in touch like most people do. Texts, phone calls and fun packages sent via snail mail. This is a picture of a few charms Kathryn sent my way not too long ago. I have them placed nicely in my happy drawer. The happy drawer is the cousin to the junk drawer but way more fun and organized. I spotted it just this morning and took a picture of them in between mom duties. I was totally prepared to keep this sister post super simple like....True Sister Love is Knowing Each Others Coffee Order.  We would all laugh a silly laugh together and move on with our day. Problem is, we all know that deep down past the love of coffee, sister love is way more complicated and rewarding than a fresh venti skim quad shot two pump extra hot whip mocha in your hand. Don't get me wrong, it is that good but a million times better. Sister love can't be measured in Starbucks ounces or dollars. Sister love is kept brewing non-stop your heart, always, no matter what part of the planet you live. Sisters stay on your mind on the time. No two other people in the world share the same pointy chin, spitting problem, loving childhood, DNA and memories than my nutty sisters. Sisters have a certain unexplainable bond that can't be broken. While I was pregnant with my baby #1, Kathryn was pregnant her baby # 4 and Virginia was pregnant with her baby # 3. I have copied their style of motherhood many times since that spring so many seasons ago. They are both amazing people and mommas. Sisters also never forget your mistakes but don't bring them up in public either. Sisters are cool that way. We can make fun of slowly becoming our mother without hurting any ones feelings, we cling to each other and laugh at that, we are all in the same boat. Every year brings more and more momisms out in us, we can't help but marvel at nurture AND nature. (love you mom) We can also call each other out cause we think in a similar way and know each others faults but love doesn't care about those. My sisters have been heavy on my heart lately, not sure why. It's been over a year since I have hugged the one living in the middle of a bunch of corn fields and 8 months since I have hugged the other one who now lives almost 4 hours away. I miss their smiley eyes and hearty, spontaneous, goofy laughs. They are beautiful, smart, loving and giving. These words aren't just marshmallow fluff between two pieces of white bread and peanut butter. I have nothing to gain from blowing sunshine...except maybe a cup of hot coffee, a squeezy hug and a good time. Kath and Gini-A I Love you to the farthest sister memory and back.   

Delaney's soccer tournament will bring us to Raleigh this weekend. We are all excited on so many levels. Proof is in La-La's journal topic of the day. Virginia I think you are the one with the beard and purple pants. Not sure where your shirt is......Soccer moms gone wild!

Doesn't mom always have a jacket with her, even in the middle of the summer? Oh yes she does.

Thanks VA I think you are #1 too! White girls overbite anyone? 

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