Saturday, October 6, 2012

365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day #224
October 1st, 2012
A Present Sent on US Airways

Delilah waits anxiously at the airport in Minneapolis for her Birthday present to arrive.
Nothing has been bought and wrapped, just a text picture message of their flight # and arrival time.
Her BFF should be strolling down the busy walkway filled with hurried business people any minute.

Text her again mommy...please, I can't wait another second.
What if we miss them?
They might walk by us and we would never know.
Evelyn may not recognize me.

La La, I am pretty confident she will be the only tall blond with four little ones in tow. No way on earth we will miss them.
Keep looking.  

We had a whole lot of nothing planned for our BFFF's
Yea, this group is cool like that. Everybody gets along super well. And when they don't, enough kids to go around...ya just move along to the next person you haven't played with in a while.
No feelings hurt.
 No play dates shorted due to boredom.
The circle of activity is endless.
The mixture of ages creates genuine unique relationships.
Nothing perfect from either side of course.
They poke at each other when we aren't looking.
They irritate each other with out plans of it.
They fall asleep on each other with out knowing it.
The upside to a sibling kinda friendship.
They really love each.
They encourage one another.
They accidentally learn while playing goofy games.
They take the good personality traits as easily as they do
 the room for improvement traits.
They look forward to the time spent together no matter what the occasion. Big, little, fancy or not. 


Taking a walk on a beautiful Minnesota trail was a must.  

Delaney took over the baby duties with ease. 


A soft breeze, blue skies and temperature in the high 60's created the perfect outdoor fall day. No one walked anywhere. A freshness in the air and in their little legs kept them moving through nature.  

All kids picked up pretty leaves and favorite rocks and stuffed them in any available compartment. Pant pockets, jackets, mom hands and stroller baskets.

The two year old was full throttle for two hours straight.
 No way she was getting left out of the fun.

Would pay a lot of cash to know what these two were talking about.

Carlisle found many legit nature type items.
At one point she ran across the top of the mountain declaring she found gold. I ain't no fool, I didn't tell her otherwise.


View from the top was nice.

Up and down the steep, rocky hills.
Some descents worked out better than others.

You can do it Ev.

Sand in places I shouldn't talk about here.

6 Month old looks a bit far away from here.

Her Momma checks on her. Sleeping like an old man in a chair. Bundled up and snugly. 

Snack of old movie theatre popcorn.
More on the trail than in the mouths.

Going off road.

Jennie couldn't get enough pictures. 
The same way I've done for the past 3 months.
The sun is brighter.
The sky is bluer.
The leaf colors more vivid.
All true. 

Bliss Baby wakes up happy. Delaney scoops her up fast.

She was fascinated with her shadow. The baby, not the ten year old. 

Picnic lunch then down to the lake for a fire and roasted mallows.

Thanks Drex

The shore a bit clogged and way to chilly for my soccer mom feet.

Not for these nuts.

Building in the sand until.....

 Her BFF and swings at the playground call. 

I'm pretty sure messing around on this wooden dock was where that huge splinter in Carlisle's foot came from. Sorry about that Jennie.
No worries though. It's time for a sspaghetti dinner.
No tears here.
Everyone knows you can't fix mostly anything with pasta, garlic bread and chilled milk.  

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