Tuesday, July 10, 2012

365 Random Days of Team Zybko
Day # 181
July 9th, 2012
Going Into Town

With the original drive, move and get settled week already over Baby Daddy was now back to work. What a drag. Our newly reshaped and slimmed down family was getting pretty spoiled having him around and being all together.

It's Monday and nothing on our plate that has got to be accomplished. No swim team, rushing to the gym, yard work, house prep not even a stinking load of laundry. Leaving the day wide open for me and the little ones to explore a reasonably close new city.
Virginia, Minnesota.
 An old mining town with lots of cool looking buildings, parks, mom and pop stores, scenic lake side views and of course restaurants located inside dark, smelly bars. Not totally getting that quite yet as I would always rather eat my calories than drink them. Milkshakes excluded of course. I may actually be eating my skepticism in a few short months when the temperature bottoms out.

Oh gee freakin' whiz use guys I didn't know it was actual possible to feel this cold while still alive. Dontcha know I'd like to order a shot of jack with my chicken sandwich and side salad. 
Wait, make that 2 shots. I gots a mighty long walk to my van 4 blocks away in this 
Get me the heck outta here blizzard.       

Our fun morning finding new places easily oozed into the afternoon hours before we knew it. Spent a fast 2 hours at a big pretty park with a ton of entertainment. A mixture of old school equipment, grassy fields and a bike trail winding around the entire place. I used a cold icee bribing tool used by the natives to pull their sweaty little fingers off the teeter tater tot.

Our Library in Florence is the bomb digity. A huge, kid friendly, packed to the brim program filled place. The most hip, friendly, fun Librarian Anne who happens to be a good friend works there. We miss you tons Edie! So when I walked up to the circulation desk and explained we were only going to be here 6 months I braced myself for a
This library wasn't going to meet our tough standards in my mind whether it had practice or not. Being over a 100 years doesn't simply make you good at something.
The new Library Anne replied with a few standard residential questions.

No ma'am I don't own land here.
No ma'am I don't have anything with my address on it.

Ok, something had to be done. I had to get my way into this system. I wasn't going to leave this historical building without a plastic ticket to Bookville.
I lean over the desk and in a sweet soft southern voice explain to Minnesota nice lady a little sumptin sumptin.
Ma'am, we...
(pointing to myself and dramatically turning slightly to the left to address the kids in a sort of pathetic kinda way)

Well, ya see I home school these precious little gifts from God and we are simply desperate to get our hands on some new books.

( I make quick eye contact with Delaney and give her wink. My mini me knew exactly what I was saying without a single word spoken. It meant, sister girl don't blow my cover and just go with and I will buy you a big fat treat later. My award winning ten year bends down at just the right moment to hold La La's hand lovingly and whisper loud enough to her brother. Sorry Drex...you may not get to check out books today. I know you wanted to learn how to read but rules are rules. Simultaneously giving him a pinch on the back of the arm to produce a quick whine and perhaps a tear or two.)
Oh man, she was better than I even trained her for.       

Alright it didn't EXACTLY go down like that but I did pull the home school card for the first time and it worked.    

Learning lessons for the suburbanite trio. Don't pay attention to that stupid don't walk sign. Hold my hand and run when I say to. K?

Colorful pretty flowers where ever a bit of soil is available.

A mirrored store front for a group shot. Also captured in the refection, the store where we will be buying ski clothes. This girl ain't gonna spend a fortune on cold weather gear.

Take out for sure. A bit smoky.

Ya never know.

 A place to Zumba.

Bakery closed on Mondays....bummer.

Not really sure about this one. Did they forget a letter? If so I'm interested...I could go for a Pastry since the Sweet Shop was closed. 
Can't wait to see what we find when go exploring on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought they forgot a letter! Even here things are closed on Monday though- the furniture store was closed yesterday and I was bummed after driving in traffic to get there. Glad you got your library card and that the homeschool card worked for it. And don't blame ya to buy ski clothes from the Goodwill- with the cold weather you should have a good selection and 6 months, why spend all that $$$ on new stuff? Good luck with settling in and finding things to do, at least you guys have a place to Zumba and an ice cream shop.

    Gym + good eats = what matters in a town!
