Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Soccer field sunset taken with my phone last night. Just one example of God's Personal Best He gives us everyday

My Personal Best!
Day 281
February 4, 2014
Team Zybko

Sick kid. Sick Baby Daddy. The usual week day morning routine is non existent. I'm OK with that. Really OK with that. No car line or 6th grade lunch to make. No egg white omelet to prepare for my hard working Baby Daddy. The place where I lay is still, very still. The other 2 littles are sound asleep in my warm spot they stole as I peeled myself out a few hours ago. So I sit. Alone in the quiet apartment wondering how long it will last. Not long, so I better type fast.

My last drops of strong coffee are long gone and my noisy stomach reminds me of bacon but I don't want to make a sound. The typing on the keyboard is loud enough. So I stay right where I am with only my thoughts and a really cozy, fleece throw blanket. Thinking. Simply thinking. What will the next 12 hours hold? How can I be a better person, a better Victoria than the one I was yesterday? Oh geez, let me count the ways and mistakes I made. Hey, hey, hey sister, don't so that, not cool. I listen to myself and push my failures from Monday into a rolly book bag and shove it off a steep cliff. That is a waste of time and energy. God has forgiven me, so should I, let it go. Focus on the now. Back to thinking. 

Wow, this is harder than it looks. So I probe my heart and ask myself again as the minutes tick by quickly. What kinda mom, wife, sister, friend and member of this community will I be today? I can't exactly focus and pin point what that looks like but this is what I can see, very clearly in 20/20 vision. I desire to be more like Jesus. That is the best. That is the standard to shoot for. I write it on a mental note card....GIVE 110 PERCENT. I want to clock into tonight with my personal best, I can do this. When my head hits my welcoming pillow tonight I want to remember these minutes and honestly admit to my tired soccer mom self. I gave it my all. PERSONAL BEST! 

La-LA has found me, snuggled at my feet at the end of the couch  she swipes my phone in search of her make-up game. My time is up, I am at the starting line. Ready, set....GO!!!
I am off. I am going for it with God's word tucked away in my sports bra and play list for the hours to come. Personal best is my goal today and every day. After all isn't that what God gives us everyday. His personal best is everywhere.   

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