Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DAY #17
Spitting it Out Half Way Through

A box full of chewed on spit out broken up chocolate. This is how I found one of the kids special Valentine Day heart boxes. Not eaten, at all. Not one piece fully consumed. Sorta hurt my feelings a little. Thinking it would be a special treat, it was bought and given with love. My first intention upon finding this wasted half eaten chocolate was to search for the offender and give them a piece of my PMS-ing mind. I mean seriously? Who disrespects chocolate at a time like this? Instead I took a few deep breaths and thought for a minute. I thought and looked, thought and looked. Looked for a caramel one and thought about eating it.
That kid had control, freedom and the ability to quit while only half way through.
To spit out the ones he thought he'd like.
The ones that had a funky texture.
The ones with un-expected flakes of coconut.
As I sat there picking caramel out of my molars, I dreamt about life being like a box of chocolate. Oh, wait......I believe some dude already did that years ago. Run Forest run!
At times I wish I could spit life out. Half way through a commitment it sometimes gets too hard. Too time consuming. Wasn't what I expected. Too annoying.
Baby Daddy often reminds me gently not to bite off more than I can chew. I 'never so often' listen to him and wish later I could spit out my mouth full.
Running, walking and crawling a half marathon comes to mind. Not my brightest idea. Juicy baby strapped to my back, two in my Mac Daddy stroller and motivating teenager right along side of me. Around mile marker 6,7 and 8 I wanted to spit this stupid idea out. What was I thinking? What was I trying to prove? All I know is I can't quit now, what would that teach the kids? Plus it was where I worked, I knew too many people. Shoot......gotta keep chewing this one....til mile 13, to the finsih line we will go.
I possibly have hit a cheap chocolate sugar low cause I can't seem to tie the end of this post together. Almost forgetting my point. Or maybe there isn't a deep moving personal point. That is very possible. Do I like all the choices found in a box of CVS candy? Not really, but as an adult I continue to bite, chew and keep on going anyway. I have learned a tasteful lesson for next Valentines Day. I'm buying more grown up choclate, perhaps Dove or Ghirardelli. Just in case, the kids act like kids with choices and spit them out......half way through.

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