Friday, February 11, 2011


DAY #9


"He knows me better than I know myself"

Thinking it to be just a figure of speech, I thought it was impossible. How on earth can some one else know more about you, then your own stinkin' self? Really? No way! Well I'm here to say can happen. I won't bore you with lovey dovey details or share too many personal details to embarrass my husband. He has already voiced his concern. Sometime around day 4 he asked about the 'blogging' thing.

"I'm just wondering honey, why don't you just write a journal or something?"

Silly rabbit! Who can keep up with a journal? Big David rarely thinks of himself. Conversation are rarely about him. Most of his thoughts and actions involve taking care of someone else. PERIOD. He most definitely isn't a 'told you so kinda guy' I know why he asks about the airing of dirty laundry. I'm more private than you may think, especially with my emotions. My heart is not usually open to the public. That it why he asks, to protect me. (and maybe anyone else who I write about)

So, I will fast forward to reason #242. There are million ways my hubby shows me he loves ME. Wow, how did it become all about ME again? I don't know. Didn't think I was self centered. Well, I will worry about that later. I suppose that's a different post, for another day, a far away day. For sure.

I like it strong, bold, black and hot. My coffee in the morning that is. Anyone who has to live or be around me knows that. I have been drinking coffee that way since I was 18 or so. I used to mess with cream and sugar. Forget it. I found out quickly, it weakens the taste and is way to much trouble, ya know, requiring a spoon and all.

A few months ago I began getting a head start on some overdue resolutions. Waking up extra early has become a norm. I'm not exactly 'grumpy' before my coffee BUT let's just keep the small talk to a minimum, shall we. I am an habitual 'snooze alarmer'. Knowing this, Baby Daddy began making my coffee for me, the night before. To wake up, stumble to the kitchen and only have to push a button. Whew! Some days I think I'm still dreaming. He doesn't even drink coffee, never has. It was years before he even fessed up and told me he hates the smell of fresh ground coffee. What a small gesture that feels super BIG in husband/wife love language. Once my eyes open enough I spot a small piece of paper. Often times lying next to my cheap Mr. Coffee is a chicken scratched love note. Yep, I really do live with my Prince.

I recently sniffed out this special drawer on David's side of the bedroom. Shoved between his clean socks and under-roos was a variety of 1 pound bags of Starbucks LOVE. When asked about he said,

" Well honey, you weren't supposed to find that stash. (that stash? Are there other stashes?)? I pick up different types and flavors when I'm out to figure out your favorite. I didn't tell you cause these are 'back-ups'. No one can afford for you to run out."
I instantly picture a spreed sheet tucked away somewhere too but I don't want to blow it with an insensitive Engi-nerd joke. My mind thinks back to the last statement.
No one can afford for you to run out.
Should I be upset about that? How awful can I be without my morning cup of yummy caffeine goodness? To be truthful, pretty bad. I do know that much about myself.

Thank you honey babes for #242 off the list of LOVE gestures.

My favorite flavor so far is Colombian Bold. Only cause the description on the package says


The Title of my Fairy Tale.

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