Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Park After Dark
Day 103
August 10th, 2013
Team Zybko

With a fresh bag of store bought chocolate chip cookies and Hawaiian Punch on the rocks we stake out our spot on the lawn. The movie is to start at dusk but before then we spread out our blanket and enjoy the local opening acts.
Free family night, the price is right and so is the weather. Cloudy with a chance of stumbled upon fun. The usually pesky southern skeeters must have mostly left home for the start of school, thankfully we weren't disturbed too badly last night, only a handful bites between us.
So after packing up our trash and our now newly stained Hawaiian Punch blanket it is well past our bedtime. The un-sleepy, sugared up kids beg me for a few last jumps on the playground equipment before venturing to the prison van. It doesn't take me long to make up my mind, with no set schedule and no where to be I give them the soccer mom go ahead nod and off they run. Turns out the park is way more fun at 11:00 at night than 11:00 in the morning. Don't worry mom it was pretty well lit and other families had a similar idea of stretching out Friday Family Night. 
Thank you City of Pineville.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! You guys sure are good at creating those memories that'll last a lifetime. Keep sharing them with us all!! Love ya's!
